神的约柜, 启示录 11:19 – The Ark of God, Revelation 11:19

The Ark of God is where God’s Divine presences is made known.


神的约柜 – The Ark of God

19 当 时 神 天 上 的 殿 开 了 , 在 他 殿 中 现 出 他 的 约 柜 。 随 后 有 闪 电 , 声 音 , 雷 轰 , 地 震 , 大 雹 。
启示录 11:19 – Revelation 11:19


耶稣是神的羔羊,是世界的光, 他以一位婴孩来到世上, 是人也是神的儿子, 告诉人天父的事和他的爱,然后为了救赎我们被钉死在十字架上。
Jesus the lamb of God, the light of the world, came into this world as a baby, to grow up into a man and the son of God, to tell people about His Father God and His love for them, then to die on the cross for our salvation.
This is why Revelation was written by John to tell Jesus’ brothers and sisters what was to happen and encourage them.

part two

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