There a number of times the name “Herod” is mentioned in Scripture:
The Herodian Dynasty reigned for over 130 years.
1. 创始者Antipater(Judea 的地方官)逝世于公元前43年。
1. Starting with Antipater (Governor of Judea) who died in 43BC.
2. Herod the Great (朱迪亚国王) 公元前37-公元前4年 -耶稣降生路加福音 和 马太福音。
2. Herod the Great (King of Judea ) 37-4BC – Birth of Jesus Luke and Matthew.
3. 希律王的四个儿子:
3.Herod the Great’s Four Sons:
a) 以土利亚[Iturea]和特拉可尼[Trachonitis] (以色列之外)的 Philip Tetrach 和 Herod Antipater 的孙女Salome
(公元前4年-公元34年)结婚 马太福音14章,路加福音3章1节 mother Mariamne , 大祭司Simon的女儿。
a) Philip Tetrach of Iturea and Trachonitis ( Outside Israel). 4BC-AD34(see Matthew 14:1-12, Luke 3:1). Married Heroidas daughter of Aristobulus. The had a daughter called Salome.
Philip’s mother was Cleopatra (of Jerusalem) Luke 3:1.
b) 亚基老[Arcelaus] (朱迪亚[Judea] 和[Samaria]) 公元前1年-公元6年 马太福音 第二章 22节 被罗马统治官所代替。例如:比拉多[Pilate] 公元前26年-公元26年, Felix 公元52-59年, Festus 公元59-62年。
b) Archelaus (Judea and Samaria) 4BC-AD6 (see Matthew 2:22). His mother was Malthace the Samaritan was replaced by Roman procurators (eg Pilate 26-AD36, Felix 52-AD59 and Festus 59-AD62)
c) Antipas (加利利[Galilee] and Perea) “狐狸” 马太福音2章3节, 14章1节 路加福音3章1节,3章19节 13章23节,23章6节 和 使徒行道4章27节 mother Malthace the Samaritan。
c) Antipas (Galilee and Perea) “that fox” (see Matthew 2:3, 14:1 Luke 3:1, 3:19, 13:23, 23:6 and Acts 4:27)
Antipas’ mother was Malthace the Samaritan.
Also known as Herod the Tetarach that killed John the baptist.
d) [Aristoboulus]; [mother Malthace] ([the Samaritan]) 他的儿子是[Herod Agrippa]一世 孙子 [Herod Agrippa]二世的女儿嫁给Felix 使徒行道 24章24节. Herod Aristobulus’ sons。
d) Aristoboulus; his mother was Malthace the Samaritan. Aristobulus was the father of Herod Agrippa
1st and grandfather of Herod Agrippa 2nd.
Herod Agrippa 2nd’s daughter Drusilla married Felix (see Acts 24:24).
4. [Herod Agrippa 1st]一世 作了七年的client king 公元37年-41年 -使徒行道 12章23节 生于公元前10年。
4. Herod Agrippa 1st reigned for seven years as a client king 37AD – 41AD (see Acts 10 -Acts 12:23) Born 10BC.
5. [Herod Agrippa 2nd]二世作为 ) client king统治了七年 公元49-92年 使徒行道 14章 25章13节。
5. Herod Agrippa 2nd reigned for seven years as a client king 49AD – 92AD (see Acts 14, 25:13) he died in AD100 and was the son of Herod Agrippa 1st.
Rulers inter married with other rulers.
Mother Cleopatra (of Jerusalem) Luke 3:1
Different books say different things
Herod Agrippa 1 40-44AD??