Mary and Joseph had an arranged marriage as was the custom of the time. The marriage papers or legal contracts were signed at the time of arrangement of the marriage. That may have happened before the two people have even meet. Not like our western marriage the legal contract is signed at the time of the marriage.
Ngeina zui in Mary leh Joseph te kitten ding vaihawm uh hi. Tua hun lai in Laidal tung ah thukhun zui aa kiciam na tawh min suaikaih na in kitenna bawl uh hi. Mi nih kimuh ma in zong hi bang thu om khin hi. Nisuah na lam bangdan in a kiten ciang bek in thukhun zui in kiciam na tawh kitenna cih bang hi lo hi.
Pasian kammal lim leh laimal te gencian na: