David had become King in God’s time and reigned for forty years
between 1011BC-971BC.
Hebrew name of David means: beloved.
David was Good in God’s sight.
David had a whole heart towards God.
David Becomes King Over Israel
5All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and
said, “We are your own flesh and blood. 2 In the past,
while Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel on their
military campaigns. And the LORD said to you, ‘You will shepherd my
people Israel, and you will become their ruler.'”
3 When all the elders of Israel had come to King David
at Hebron, the king made a compact with them at Hebron before the LORD,
and they anointed David king over Israel.
4 David was thirty years old when he became king, and he
reigned forty years. 5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah
seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel
and Judah thirty-three years.
2 Samuel 5:1-5
Also read 1 Samuel 16:1-31:13, 2 Samuel 1:1-24:25, 1 Kings1:1-2:11
Back ground reading The books of 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1 Kings
1:1-2:12, and 1:1-29:30 Chronicles and a number of places in the New
If you want to read the full story of David’s life look it up in the
Old Testament bible references: The books of 1st and 2nd
Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles
這單元中的其他組件: – Other modules in this unit:
- 起初。創世紀一章一至二節。沒有時間記載的過去。- The beginning, Genesis 1:1-2 – Undated Past
- 七日創世。創世紀一章一節至三章二十四節。- The 7 or Seven Days of Creation, Genesis 1:1-3:24
- 亞當是上帝創造的第一個人, – Adam was the first and only man God created, Genesis 1:26-2:25
- Eve is created as the First Woman, Genesis 1:1-6 and Genesis 2:18-25
- Abel, Genesis 4:1-16
- 1100 Years gap Between Adam and Noah, Genesis 5:1-32
- Noah built an ark, Genesis 6:8-22
- 諾亞建造暸一座方舟, Genesis 7:1 – 10:20
- 400 years gap between Noah and Abraham, Genesis 11:10-32
- Abraham the father of nations, Genesis chapters 12:1-25:11
- 撒拉是亚伯拉罕的妻子, Genesis 11:29-31 – Sarah was the wife of Abraham, Genesis 11:29-31
- Esau the son of Isaac, Genesis 25:19-34
- Isaac Abraham’s son of promise, Genesis 25:20-34
- Jacob Gets Isaac’s Blessing, Genesis 27:1-29
- Jacob Marries Rachel, Genesis 29:15-30
- 約瑟的死, Genesis 50:22-26 – Death of Joseph, Genesis 50:22-26
- 300 hundred years gap, Genesis 50:22-Exodus 1:22
- 米里亚姆, Exodus 2:1-10 – Miriam, Exodus 2:1-10
- God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush, Exodus 3:1-4:17
- Moses and the Burning Bush, Exodus 3:5-22
- Moses, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
- Manna means: – What Is It?, Exodus 16:1-36
- Moses at Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:1-25
- The Golden Calf, Exodus 32:1-35
- Moses gets water From The Rock, Numbers 20:1-13
- Joshua God’s warrior – The Fall of Jericho, Joshua 5:13-6:27
- The two spies were Joshua’s eyes, Joshua 2:1-24 and 6:22-25
- Rahab saved from death, Joshua 2:1-24 and 6:22-25
- Gideon the fifth Judge of Israel, Judges 6:1-8:3
- Ruth the Moabitess, the grand mother of King David, Ruth 1:16-4:22
- 基列人以弗他 士师记11章1节至12章7节 Jephthah the Gileadite, Judges 11:1-12:7
- Samson the fifteen Judge of Israel was the strongest man in the Bible, Judges 13:1-16:13
- Samuel, 1 Samuel 16:1-13
- King Saul tries to kill his servant David by throwing a spear, 1 Samuel 11:1-11
- David kills Goliath an enemy of Israel, 1st Samuel 17:40-58
- David Becomes King in God’s time, 2 Samuel 2:1
- 所罗门王登基,(圣经旧约)《列王纪》下篇 二章 13节-46节 Solomon’s throne established, 2nd Kings 2:13-46
- King Rehoboam, 1st Kings 11:41-43 and -12:-24
- Jonah a Prophet of God and the Whale, Jonah 1:1-4:11
- 先知以赛亚(公元前739-公元前690)撰写了以赛亚书 Isaiah the prophet (739BC-690BC) wrote the book Isaiah
- 耶利米被关到一座井中, 耶利米 38章1-28节 – Jeremiah 38:1-28
- 丹尼尔在狮子洞 – Daniel in the Lions Den, Daniel 6:1-28
- 以斯帖成为王后, Esther becomes the Queen, Esther 1:1-10:3
- 尼希米记修建了一面墙, – Nehemiah rebuilds the walls, Nehemiah 2:1-3:32
- 400 Year Gap, The gap between Malachi and Jesus
- Malachi a prophet of God, Malachi 1:1-4:6
- Angel God’s messenger, Luke 1:26-38
- 耶穌死在十字架上 Jesus dies on a Cross, Luke 22:1-24:12
- Jesus – the author and giver of all faith