第四碗 – 忿怒临到人,启示录 16:8 – The 4th Bowl of Wrath – people, Revelation 16:8

Our Sun is a star.
Stars flare up and produce a lot of heat at half their life expectancy.
Then they cool down very fast as they start to die.
The Sun is near half life expectancy.


第四碗 -忿怒临到人 – The 4th Bowl of Wrath – people

8 第 四 位 天 使 把 碗 倒 在 日 头 上 , 叫 日 头 能 用 火 烤 人 。
9 人 被 大 热 所 烤 , 就 亵 渎 那 有 权 掌 管 这 些 灾 的 神 之 名 , 并 不 悔 改 将 荣 耀 归 给 神 。
启示录 16:8-9 – Revelation 16:8-9


Our Sun is a star. When stars get to about half life they flare up and
produce heat and then start to die.

Nimrod a sun worshiper and hunter, see Genesis 11:1-9, built a tower to worship the sun and also worshiped the zodiac in a totally different way from the Hebrew system.

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