海中的兽的象,启示录 13:14-15 – The Image or statue of the beast of the sea, Revelation 13:14-15

(1st beast) Image or statue of the Beast of the Sea (1st beast)
The image speaks and deceives people because it is alive or appears to have life.
The sea is often used to symbolize the mass of mankind.
The sea is often used to symbolize the mass of mankind.
Image of the beast of the sea is set up and given life by the beast of the earth (second Beast)
The image or copy of the first beast is created by the second beast.
It issues decrees and none may buy or sell unless they think and do as it does.
So what is this image going to look like well it must be able to talk.
Is it solid or a hologram or is it imagery of a system that is man
made or made by Satan.
Remember that both beasts will be men.


海中的兽的象是地中的兽所创 – 第三兽 – The Image of the Beast out of the Sea made by the Beast out of the Earth – 3rd Beast

14 它 因 赐 给 它 权 柄 在 兽 面 前 能 行 奇 事 , 就 迷 惑 住 在 地 上 的 人 , 说 , 要 给 那 受 刀 伤 还 活 着 的 兽 作 个 像 。
15 又 有 权 柄 赐 给 它 叫 兽 像 有 生 气 。 并 且 能 说 话 , 又 叫 所 有 不 拜 兽 像 的 人 都 被 杀 害 。
启示录13:14-15 – Revelation 13:14-15

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