TIME LINE for AD1800 — AD2023 – ONWARD

Approximately 5 A4 pages from AD1800-AD2023 set up so you can print them.
Please enjoy looking at this table of contents as much as we did in making it.
WORLD/SECULAR HISTORY | year/month/day | Christian History and Jewish History |
Historical events in Politics and Business | Events and history that happened in both faiths | |
including Christian & Jewish people | ||
Industrial Revolution | Mid 18th-early 20thcent. | |
Restoration Movement | 19th cent. | |
Liberalism/Modernism | 19th-20thcent. | |
AD1792 | Charles Finney born | |
AD1800- AD2017 | AD1800 – PRESENT MODERN CHURCH | |
AD1800-1830s | Second Great Awakening | |
AD1799-1807 | Second Great Awakening | |
AD1800 | Revival | |
AD1800 | Society of Biblical Literature | |
AD1801-1890 | John Henry | |
Atomic theory | AD1802 | |
Battle of Trafalgar and Lord Nelson | 21 October 1805 | |
AD1807 | The British Parliament Votes to Abolish the Slave Trade | |
AD1807 | Robert Morrison 1st missionary to China. Translated the Chinese Bible | |
Charles Robert Darwin | 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882 | |
AD1811 | The Campbells Begin the Disciples of Christ | |
Charles Dickens Born | 7th Feb 1812 | |
AD1812 | Adoniram and Ann Judson Sail for India | |
AD1812 | Moses Hess | |
AD1813-1843 | Robert Murray McCheyne | |
AD1813-1873 | David Livingstone | |
AD1813-1883 | Soren Kierkegaard | |
AD185?-1868 | William Chalmers Burns | |
AD1816 | Richard Allen Founds African Methodist Episcopal Church | |
AD1817 | Elizabeth Fry Begins Ministry to Women in Prison | |
AD1817 | Robert Moffatt began mission work in South Africa | |
Marx | AD1818-1883 | |
AD1822 | The first Protestant diocese is established in Jerusalem | |
Samuel Plimsoll, Shipping Plimsoll Line or Loading Line | AD1824-1898 | |
AD1825 | American Unitarian Association | |
AD1826 | Temperance movement begins | |
AD1830 | Charles G. Finney’s Urban Revivals zenith | |
C. AD1830 | John Nelson Darby Helps Start Plymouth Brethren | |
Mormonism | AD1830 | |
First time rail was used to transport troops | AD1830 | |
9/1/1830 – 3/1/1831 | Revival – Charles Finney | |
AD1831-1906 | Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewski -Wenli Bible- Mandarin | |
AD1832 | Jerusalem post started | |
AD1832-1905 | Hudson Taylor | |
AD1833 | John Keble’s Sermon “National Apostasy” Initiates the Oxford Movement | |
AD1833 | The Amenians open up the first printing company in Jeruslem | |
AD1834-1892 | Charles Spurgeon | |
AD1836 | Pastor Hsi Sheng-mo – born in Shanxi. Started many churches in China | |
Queen Victoria | AD1837-1901 | |
2nd underwater tunnel under River Thames. 1st underwater tunnel by Babylonians 2180BC under River Euphrates | AD1843 | |
AD1843-1921 | Cyrus Ingerson Scofield | |
AD1848-1915 | Mary Slesssor | |
AD1854 | Hudson Taylor Arrives in China | |
AD1854 | Soren Kierkegaard Publishes Attacks on Christendom | |
AD1854 | Charles Haddon Spurgeon becomes Pastor in London | |
AD1855 | Dwight l. Moody’s Conversion | |
28 January 1856 – 26 October 1928 | Reuben Archer Torrey | |
Lousis Paster found Bacteria spreads disease | AD1856 | |
Freud | AD1856-1939 | |
AD1857-1860 | 3rd Great Awakening – USA. (A massive worldwide “Prayer-based” Revival. -Millions converted). | |
AD1857 | David Livingstone Publishes Missionary Travels | |
Suez Canal started | AD1859 | |
Publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species | AD1859 | |
1860s-ca. 1900 | Holiness Movement | |
Civil war | AD1865 | First faith mission is formed |
AD1865 | William Booth Founds the Salvation Army | |
AD1867 | First Lambeth Conference | |
U.S. transcontinental railway | AD1869 | |
Suez Canal opened | AD1869 | |
AD1869-1870 | First Vatican Council | |
AD1870 | British Israel movement starts. Now nearly non existent | |
AD1870 | Pope Pius IX Proclaims the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility | |
AD1871-1952 | Lewis Sperry Chafer | |
AD1873 | David Livingstone dies | |
Early radio transmission experiments had already started | AD1873 | |
AD1875 | Charles Finney dies | |
Bell invented the Telephone | AD1876 | |
Plimsoll line or Load line | AD1876 | |
Einstein | AD1879-1955 | |
AD1881-1885 | Revised Version – English Scholars | |
AD1881-1906 | The wave of Pogroms swept over Russia massacring thousands of Jews | |
Krakatoa erupted | AD1883 | |
AD1886 | Student Volunteer Movement Begins | |
AD1886-1968 | Karl Barth | |
Heidegger | AD1888 | |
AD1889-1976 | Emile Berliner Invents the Record and the gramophone | |
Economic depression | AD1890s | |
Automobile | AD1893 | |
AD1895 | Present Fundamentalism | |
First Zionist Congress | AD1897 | |
The 1st automobile was sold | 24th March 1898 | |
Boxer Rebellion | AD1900-1901 | |
AD1900 | Pastor Wang Ming-dao China | |
Death of Queen Victoria | AD1901 | Dr. John Sung China |
AD1901 | Andrew Gih China | |
AD1901 | American standard Version – American scholars | |
AD1901 | Present Pentecostalism | |
Instant coffee and Razor Blades invented | AD1901 | |
Airplane | AD1903 | |
AD1904-1910 | 4th Great Awakening USA also Wales, Azusa, India, Korea, China, etc. | |
AD1906 | Azusa Street Revival Launches Pentecostalism | |
AD1907 | The 1907 KOREAN REVIVAL – Revival of Repentance that swept through Korea starting in 1907 – and affecting the entire nation for decades to come. | |
AD1908 | Emile Berliner Invents a radial aircraft engine that was used in earily helicopter | |
AD1910-1915 | Publication of the 12 volume The Fundamentals with 90 easeys | |
AD1911 | Fundamentalists Movement | |
AD1912-1984 | Francis August Schaeffer | |
Federal Reserve system created | AD1913 | |
World War One | AD1914-1918 | |
Gallipoli Landings | 1915-04-25 | |
British Capture Jerusalem by Allenby | 1917-12-9 | |
1918 | Law about Jeruslem Stone | |
Armistice | 1918-11-11 | |
1918 -11-7 | Billy Graham | |
AD1919 | Karl Barth’s Commentary on Romans is published | |
Possibility one of the first US licensed commercial broadcasting radio stations was KDKA of Pittsburgh | AD1920 | |
1921-01-02 | First Christian Radio Broadcast – Pittsburgh’s Calvary Episcopal Church – Station KDKA of Pittsburgh | |
AD1924 | Emile Berliner established the first commercial radio station in Montreal | |
AD1929 | Emile Berliner dies at the age of 78 years | |
AD1934 | Cameron Townsend Begins Summer Institute of Linguistics | |
AD1935-1945 | The Nazi holocaust saw nearly 6 million Jews ‘escape’ as ‘wisps of smoke’ through crematoria chimneys | |
AD1937 | Child Evangelism started by Jesse Overholter | |
AD1938 | Neo-orthodoxy comes to the USA | |
World War Two | AD1939-1945 | |
Jet airplane engine | AD1942 | |
AD1943 | Present Evangelicalism | |
The first programmable electronic computer was the Colossus | AD1943 | |
AD1944 | Youth For Christ | |
AD1945 | Dietrich Bonhoeffer Executed by Nazis | |
AD1946 | Revised Standard Version – International committee | |
Transistors invented | AD1947 | |
AD1947 | Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered | |
AD1947 | WCC is formed | |
U.N.O. Partitions Palestine | AD1947-11-29 | |
AD1947-1955 | 5th Great Revival in USA. – Great Healing Revival in USA, plus Revivals in Africa, Hebrides, Argentina, etc. | |
14th May 1948 +5708 | AD1948 | Israel becomes a nation |
AD1948 | World Council of Churches is Formed | |
In May 1949, Israel is admitted to the United Nations | AD1949 | Billy Graham’s Los Angeles Crusade |
AD1949 | Jerusalem declared the capital of Israel | |
Korean War | AD1950-1953 | |
Yasser Arafat starts POL | AD1951 | |
Queen Elizabeth II starts her Reign in England | AD1952 | |
Sir Hillary and Tensing climbed Mt Everest | AD1953 | |
AD1957 | Operation Mobilization | |
AD1958 | The New Testament in Modern English J. B. Phillips | |
AD1958 | Cho, Paul (David) Yonggi starts ministry | |
AD1959 | ||
AD1960 | Beginnings of the Modern Charismatic Renewal | |
AD1960 | Youth with a Mission by Loren Cunningham | |
Vietnam War (American Involvement) | AD1961-1973 | |
AD1962 | Second Vatican Council Begins | |
AD1962-1965 | Vatican II | |
AD1963 | New American Standard Version New Testament | |
AD1963 | Martin Luther King, Jr., Leads March on Washington | |
POL Founded | AD1966 | Good News Bible |
AD1966-1976 | Chinese Church Grows Despite Cultural Revolution | |
Six Day War Started 6th June | 1967-6-7 | |
Martin Luther King killed | AD1968 | |
USA puts a man on the moon | 1969-8-21 | |
AD1970 | New American Standard Version Old Testament | |
AD1970 | David Yonggi Cho Korea and Prayer Mountain | |
AD1970 | ||
AD1970 | ||
AD1971 | ||
AD1972 | ||
AD1973 | New International New Testament | |
AD1974 | First Woman reformed Jewish Rabbi is ordained in USA | |
AD1974 | ||
Bill Gates co-founds Microsoft | 1975-04-04 | |
Olympic games at Montreal – Canada | AD1976 | |
AD1977 | ||
AD1978 | New International Version Old Testament | |
AD1979 | ||
Mount St. Helen | 1980-03-25 | |
Aids Virus Identified | AD1981 | |
Falklands war | AD1982 | New King James Version |
Canada cuts Legal ties with England | AD1982 | |
AD1984 | New International Version revised | |
AD1985 | ||
Berlin Wall falls | AD1986 | |
AD1987 | ||
AD1988 | ||
AD1989 | ||
AD1990 | ||
Gulf War | 1991-01-17 to 1991-04-11 | |
Peace treaty | 1991-10-31 | |
Soviet Union Disbanded | 1991-01-02 | |
Oslo 1 | AD1992 | |
Communism falls in Russia | AD1992 | |
Chanel Tunnel linking France and England Opened | AD1994 | |
Israel/PLO Peace Treaty | AD1994 | |
PLO – Oslo II | AD1995 | |
Benjamin Netanyahu wins first national election for Prime Minister | AD1996 | |
AD1996 | New Living Translation | |
Hong Kong returned to China | AD1997 | |
AD1998 | ||
AD1999 | ||
AD2000 | ||
September 11th | 2001-09-11 | |
AD2001 | English Standard Version | |
Introduction of the Euro | 2002-01-01 | |
NATO, near Rome, allowed Russia joined as a junior partner | 2002-05-28 | |
17 new NATO members total now 26 | 2002-11-21 | |
AD2002 | ||
USA IRAQ war | 2003-03-19 | |
Peace Plan Road Map The Aqaba Summit | AD2003-May | |
G8 Evian Summit (remember the 1938 summit) | AD2003-June | |
AD2004 | ||
Jewish withdrawal from Gaza strip handed back to Arabs | AD2005 | |
World Banking collapse | AD2008 | |
G20 London Summit over money breakdown | AD2009 April | |
Five of the six Islamic states constituting the Gulf Cooperation Council have agreed to shoot for a unified currency by 2010 | AD2010 | |
AD2009 | Hebrew year 5770 will begin at sundown on the evening of 18 September 2009. | |
Arab Spring | AD2010-2012 | |
Eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull | AD2011 | |
Floods and earthquakes in many parts of the earth | 2011-2012 | |
Occupy Wall Street | AD2011-2012 | |
2011-04-27 | David Wilkerson died in a car crash. | |
Lyme Disease: An Emerging Epidemic | AD2012 | |
Palestine reconsigned as a state in it’s own right by a vote in the UN | 2012-11-30 | |
Barack Hussein Obama II sorted out USA cash debit problem short term | 2012-12-29-31 | |
AD2013 | Pope Benedict XVI resigned | |
Ebola Virus Outbreak | Ad2014 | |
AD2014 | Israel Conflicts with Hamas in Gaza | |
April 25 – A magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes Nepal | AD2015 | |
Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) has 39 members States | AD2015 | |
AD2016 | More Jewish people living in Israel than the rest of the world since 1948 | |
AD2016 | The Sanhedrin recommends Rabbi Baruch Kahane as High Priest | |
AD2017 | This group working towards building a Third Temple in Jerusalem | |
Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States 2016-01-20. | January 20, 2017 | |
China establishes the largest megacity in the world | AD2017 | |
China extends their silk road plans | AD2017 | |
Turkey invades northern Syria | AD2018 | |
Chang’e 4 | AD2019 | |
Covid-19 | AD2020 | The Abraham Accords signing |
China Asserts Itself | AD2020 | |
President-elect Biden takes office | AD2021 | |
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II died in Scotland, at the age of 96 | AD2022 | |
King Charles III’s coronation | AD2023 | |
We have not got there yet | AD2030 | We have not got there yet |
We have not got there yet | AD2040 | We have not got there yet |
We have not got there yet | AD2050 | We have not got there yet |
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