The next two verses cover the return and eternal being [eternity] of Jesus Rev 1:7-8
The same way he went to heaven as in Acts 1:9-11 and Luke 23:50-53 he will come back.
Jesus went back to heaven so he could send the Holy Spirit who would help us.
The Holy Spirit is a person and the third person of the trinity.
Jesus returns to Heaven
Jesus goes back to Heaven this event is called The Ascension.
This happened 40 Days after the resurrection.
如果是公元33或是27日(lyaris-leave 这个不能被翻译)耶稣复活那日是四月三日。
If 33AD or 27th Iyaris the day of the resurrection the day was April 3rd.
Ascension was Thursday 14th May.
John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin.
在本单位其他模块: - Other modules in this unit:
- 玛拉基和耶稣间隔400年 – 400 Years Gap Between Malachi And Jesus, start
- 亚力山大大帝 – Alexander the Great
- 玛迦比,这个家族对神忠实 – Maccabees, This Family Stayed Faithful To God
- 安提阿哥四世 – Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- 所罗巴伯所建的圣殿得以洁净和重新被献 – Temple built by Zerubbabel is purified and rededicated
- 大祭司 – High Priest
- 大祭司 – 亚那 – High Priest Annas
- 希律王,马太福音 2:16-18 – Herod The Great, Matthew 2:16-18
- 希律王所建的圣殿 – Temple Built By Herod The Great
- 一个罗马士兵 – Roman Soldier
- 玛拉基和耶稣间隔400年 – 400 Years Gap Between Malachi And Jesus, end
- 天使对马利亚说有关耶稣诞生的事,路加福音 1:26-38 – The Angel Gabriel Talks about the Birth Of Jesus, Luke 1:26-38
- 耶稣,一个新生婴孩,路加福音 2:1-8 – Jesus A New Born Baby, Luke 2:1-8
- 施洗约翰穿先知的衣服,路加福音 1:5-25 – John the Baptist wears clothing of the prophets, Luke 1:5-25
- 耶稣-人 – Jesus the Man
- 耶稣死在十字架上,路加福音 22:1-24:12 – The death of Jesus on the cross, Luke 22:1-24:12
- 耶稣驾云降临 – Jesus Coming From The Cloud