玛迦比,这个家族对神忠实 – Maccabees, This Family Stayed Faithful To God

公元前185-150 这个家庭和其他人在寂静时期对神依然忠心。
185BC -150BC This family and others stayed faithful to God during the time called the silent years.

旧约参考: 这在400年的寂静时期发生。
Old Testament Bible reference: this happened in the silence 400 years period.

一个出名的犹太家族,在公元前170 至37 年间捍卫了犹太人的权利和习俗。
A celebrated Jewish family 170-37BC that defended the Jewish rights and customs.

在公元前 164 年洁净了所罗巴伯所建的圣殿。
Purified the temple in 164BC that had been built by Zerubbabel.

玛迦比希伯来文的意思是; 锤子
Maccabee in Hebrew means: Hammer.


玛迦比 Maccabees

Maccabees a faithful Jewish family.

公元前185-150 这个家庭和其他人在寂静时期对神依然忠心。
185BC -150BC This family and others stayed faithful to God during the time called the silent years.
旧约参考: 这在400年的寂静时期发生。
Old Testament Bible reference: this happened in the silent 400 years period.
一个出名的犹太家族,在公元前170 至37 年间捍卫了犹太人的权利和习俗。
A celebrated Jewish family 170-37BC that defended the Jewish rights and customs.
在公元前 164 年洁净了所罗巴伯所建的圣殿。
Purified the temple in 164BC that had been built by Zerubbabel.
玛迦比希伯来文的意思是: 锤子
Maccabee in Hebrew means: Hammer.

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