The Romans were seen as a foreign occupying force.
The head quarters for Roman army was at Caesarea, a sea port.
一个罗马士兵 Roman soldier
The Romans were seen as a foreign occupying force.
在本单位其他模块: - Other modules in this unit:
- 玛拉基和耶稣间隔400年 – 400 Years Gap Between Malachi And Jesus, start
- 亚力山大大帝 – Alexander the Great
- 玛迦比,这个家族对神忠实 – Maccabees, This Family Stayed Faithful To God
- 安提阿哥四世 – Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- 所罗巴伯所建的圣殿得以洁净和重新被献 – Temple built by Zerubbabel is purified and rededicated
- 大祭司 – High Priest
- 大祭司 – 亚那 – High Priest Annas
- 希律王,马太福音 2:16-18 – Herod The Great, Matthew 2:16-18
- 希律王所建的圣殿 – Temple Built By Herod The Great
- 一个罗马士兵 – Roman Soldier
- 玛拉基和耶稣间隔400年 – 400 Years Gap Between Malachi And Jesus, end
- 天使对马利亚说有关耶稣诞生的事,路加福音 1:26-38 – The Angel Gabriel Talks about the Birth Of Jesus, Luke 1:26-38
- 耶稣,一个新生婴孩,路加福音 2:1-8 – Jesus A New Born Baby, Luke 2:1-8
- 施洗约翰穿先知的衣服,路加福音 1:5-25 – John the Baptist wears clothing of the prophets, Luke 1:5-25
- 耶稣-人 – Jesus the Man
- 耶稣死在十字架上,路加福音 22:1-24:12 – The death of Jesus on the cross, Luke 22:1-24:12
- 耶稣驾云降临 – Jesus Coming From The Cloud