
Adam was the first created man specifically named in scripture. God created Adam on the 6th day of creation and placed him in the garden Eden. Adam was given the task to name all the animals. Adam in Hebrew means: of the ground, reddish earth. |
圣经清楚记载亚当是第一个被创造的人。 上帝在创造世界的第六天创造了亚当并把他安置在伊甸园。 亚当的任务是给所有的动物起名字。 亚当的意思是土地: 红土。 |
Background Reading:God said let us make man – Undated Past26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly,ll the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!” 27 So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God created them; he created them male and female. 28 God blessed the humans by saying to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it! Be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, and every living thing that crawls on the earth!” 29 God also told them, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows throughout the earth, along with every tree that grows seed-bearing fruit. They will produce your food. 30 I have given all green plants as food for every wild animal of the earth, every bird that flies, and to every living thing that crawls on the earth.” And that is what happened. 31 Now God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good! The twilight and the dawn were the sixth day. and2:1 With this the heavens and the earth were completed, including all of their vast array. 2 By the seventh day God had completed the work he had been doing, so on the seventh day he stopped working on everything that he had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God stopped working on everything that he had been creating. Adam and Eve – Humans in the Garden4 These are the records of the universe at its creation. On the day that the LORD God made the earth and skies, 5 no shrubs had yet grown in the meadows of the earth and no vegetation had sprouted, because the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there were no human beings to work the ground. 6 Instead, an underground stream would arise out of the earth and water the surface of the ground. 7 So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being. 8 The LORD God planted a garden in Eden, toward the east, where he placed the man whom he had formed. 9 The LORD God caused every tree that is both beautiful and suitable for food to spring up out of the ground. The tree of life was also in the middle of the garden, along with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 10 A river flows from Eden to water the garden, and from there it divides, becoming four branches. 11 The name of the first one is Pishon—it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 The gold of that land is pure; bdellium and onyx are also found there. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon—it winds through the entire land of Cush. 14 The third river is named the Tigris— it flows to the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates. 15 The LORD God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden in order to have him work it and guard it. 16 The LORD God commanded the man: “You may freely eat from every tree of the garden, 17 but you are not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because you will certainly die during the day that you eat from it.” Eve is created – The Creation of the Woman18 Later, the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make the woman to be an authority corresponding to him.” 19 After the LORD God formed from the ground every wild animal and every bird that flies, he brought each of them to the man to see what he would call it. Whatever the man called each living creature became its name. 20 The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds that fly, and to each of earth’s animals, but there was not found a strength corresponding to him, 21 so the LORD God caused a deep sleep to overshadow the man. When the man was asleep, he removed one of the man’s ribs and closed up the flesh where it had been. 22 Then the LORD God formed the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 So the man exclaimed, “At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. This one will be called ‘Woman,’ because she was taken from Man.” 24 (Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife, and they will become one flesh.) 25 Even though both the man and his wife were naked, they were not ashamed about it. |
阅读背景:亚当和夏娃 – Adam and Eve1:26 神 说 , 我 们 要 照 着 我 们 的 形 像 , 按 着 我 们 的 样 式 造 人 , 使 他 们 管 理 海 里 的 鱼 , 空 中 的 鸟 , 地 上 的 牲 畜 , 和 全 地 , 并 地 上 所 爬 的 一 切 昆 虫 。 and2:1 天 地 万 物 都 造 齐 了 。 |
More Information:Adam was disobedient and Eve was tricked by the serpent. |
背景信息:亚当不顺服和夏娃被蛇欺骗。 |
在本单位其他模块: - Other modules in this unit:
- 一切的起源, 史前时代, 创 1:1-2 – The beginning, Undated Past, Genesis 1:1-2
- 七天的创造, 创 1:1-2:4 – Seven Days of Creation, Genesis 1:1-2:4
- 圣经清楚记载亚当是第一个被创造的人, 创 1:26-2:25 – Adam
- 夏娃-第一个女人 – Eve the first woman, Genesis 1:1-6
- 该隐是亚伯的哥哥, 创世记 4:1-18 – Cain the older brother of Able, Genesis 4:1-18
- 亚伯 Abel – Genesis 4:1-16
- 赛特在耶稣的家谱里4: 25-26 – Seth is in the family tree of Jesus, Genesis 4:25-26
- 以诺没有死,创世记 5:21-24 – Enoch did not die, Genesis 5:21-24
- 从亚当到挪亚相隔了1100年, 创士记 5:1-32 – 1100 Years gap Between Adam and Noah, Genesis 5:1-32
- 挪亚建造方舟 – Noah built an Ark , Genesis 6:8-22
- 挪亚造方舟, 创世纪 6:9-9:28 – Noah builds an Ark, Genesis 6:9-9:28
- 巴别塔,创世记 11:1-9 – The Tower Of Babel, Genesis 11:1-9
- 挪亚与亚伯拉罕之间相隔400年, 创世纪 11:10-32 – 400 years between Noah and Abraham, Genesis 11:10-32
- 亚伯拉罕是万国之父,创世纪 12:1-25:11 – Abraham the father of nations, Genesis chapters 12:1-25:11
- 撒拉, 创世记 11:29-23:20 – Sarah, Genesis 11:29-23:20
- 亚伯拉罕救了罗得。创世记 14:1-17 – Abram Rescues Lot, Genesis 14:1-17
- 麦基洗德是撒冷王, 创世纪 14:18-20 – Melchizedek was the King of Salem, Genesis 14:18-20
- 以实玛利是夏甲和亚伯拉罕的儿子,创世记 16:1-17:27 – Ishmael and Hagar, Genesis 16:1-17:27
- 以撒, 创世纪 21章1-7节 – Isaac, Genesis 21:1-7
- 夏甲是埃及法老给亚伯拉罕的使女,创世记 21:8-21 – Hagar an Egyptian slave given to Abraham by the Pharaoh of Egypt, Genesis 21:8-21
- 以撒和百加,创世记 24:1-66 – Isaac and Rebekah, Genesis 24:1-66
- 以扫. 创世纪25章19-34节 – Esau, Genesis 25:19-34
- 雅各, 创世纪 25章20-26节 – Jacob, Genesis 25:20-26
- 亚比米勒王和以撒, 创世记 26:1-35 – King Abimelech and Isaac, Genesis 26:1-35
- Genesis Part Two