Moses the friend of God.
The life of Moses is found in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and one other book.
摩西 公元前1525-1405, 红海 1445, 会幕 1444, 死 于1405。
MOSES 1525BC- 1405BC, Red Sea 1445, Tabernacle 1444 death 1405.
律法书中有那些书没有列在这名单上? -出埃及记, 民数记和申命记。
Which books of the Torah are missing from this list?- EXODUS NUMBERS and DEUTERONOMY.
Moses wrote the first five books of the bible and was the mediator between God and the people.
Background reading the books Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
摩西是这四本书的主要联系和神怎样与他往来并神用摩西作他与以色列人之 间的媒介。
Moses is the main thread throughout these four books and Gods dealing with him and the Hebrew people using Moses as the go between.
请电邮我们:- 让我们知道。
Which books have been left out Torah, Email us:- and let us know.
Adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, was trained as a future Pharaoh of Egypt.
摩西的意思是: 拉出来。
Moses in Hebrew means: drawn out.
Unlike his parents Moses is not obscure.
He has parallels with Jesus.
He was the leader and Law giver of Israel.
在本单位其他模块: - Other modules in this unit:
- 一切的起源, 史前时代, 创 1:1-2 The beginning, Genesis 1:1-2
- 七天的创造, 创 1:1-2:4 – Seven Days of Creation, Genesis 1:1-2:4
- 圣经清楚记载亚当是第一个被创造的人, 创 1:26-2:25 – Adam, Genesis 2:4-2:25
- 夏娃-第一个女人, 创世记 2:18-25 – Eve, Genesis 2:18-25
- 亚伯, 创世记 4:1-16 – Abel, Genesis 4:1-16
- 从亚当到挪亚相隔了1100年, 创士记 5:1-32 – 1100 Years gap Between Adam and Noah, Genesis 5:1-32
- 挪亚建造方舟 – Noah built an Ark, Genesis 6:8-22
- 诺亚建了一座方舟,创世纪 6章9节-9章28节 – Ark, Genesis 7:1 – 10:20
- 挪亚与亚伯拉罕之间相隔400年 – 400 years gap between Noah and Abraham, Genesis 11:10-32
- 亚伯拉罕 – Abraham, Genesis 6:8-22
- 撒拉 – Sarah, Genesis 11:29-23:20
- 以撒 创世纪 25章20-24节 – Isaac, Genesis 25:20-34
- 以扫. 创世纪25章19-34节 – Esau, Genesis 25:19-34
- 雅各是以扫喜爱的儿子 – Jacob the favorite son of Rebekah, Genesis 27:1-29
- 蕾洁, 创世记29:15-30 – Rachel, Genesis 29:15-30
- 约瑟的死, 创世纪 50章22-26节 – Death of Joseph, Genesis 50:22-26
- 约瑟和摩西间隔三百年 – 300 year gap between Joseph and Moses, Genesis 50:22-Exodus 1:22
- 米利暗, 出埃及2:1-10 – Miriam, Exodus 2:1-10
- 神在燃烧的荆棘中向摩西说话,出埃及记 3:1-4:17 – God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush, Exodus 3:1-4:17
- 便鞋, 出埃及 3:5-10 – Sandal, Exodus 3:5-10
- 摩西, 摩西的生平记载在出埃及记,民数记,申命记和另一本书 – The life of Moses is found in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and one other book
- 吗哪的意思是[这是什么] – Manna means “What is it”, Exodus 16:1-36
- 摩西在西奈山, 出埃及记19章1-25节 – Moses at Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:1-25
- 金牛犊, 出埃及记32章1节-35节 – The Golden Calf, Exodus 32:1-35
- 吩咐磐石 [发出水来], 民数记 20:1-13 – Say to the Rock “Give Water”, Numbers 20:1-13
- 约书亚, 约书亚 5:13-6:27 – Joshua, Joshua 5:13-6:27
- 探子 约书亚记 2:1-24 和 6:22-25 – Spy for Joshua, Joshua 2:1-24 and 6:22-25
- 喇合, 约书亚记2:1-24 和 6:22-25 – Rahab, Joshua 2:1-24 and 6:22-25
- 士师记 6章:1节- 8章:35节 – Gideon the sixth Judge of Israel, Judges 6:1-8:35
- 大卫王的曾祖母是主耶稣同一个家族的祖先。- Ruth 1:16-4:22
- 基列人以弗他 士师记11章1节至12章7节 – Jephthah the Gileadite, Judges 11:1-12:7
- 参孙是圣经中最有力气的人, 士师记13:1-16:31 – Samson the strongest man in the Bible, Judges 13:1-16:13
- 撒母耳膏立大卫 – Samuel Anoints David
- 扫罗王, 撒母耳记上11章1-11节 – King Saul, 1 Samuel 11:1-11
- 大卫使用他的弹弓 《撒母耳记》 17章40-58节 – David uses his slingshot, 1 Samuel 17:40-58
- 所罗门王登基,(圣经旧约)《列王纪》下篇 二章 13节-46节 – Solomon’s throne established, 2nd Kings 2:13-46
- 罗波安王, 列王记上 11章41节-12章24节 – King Rehoboam, 1st Kings 11:41-12:24
- 约拿是一位上帝派来的先知 – Jonah a prophet of God
- 以赛亚先知 – Isaiah the prophet (739BC-690BC) wrote the book Isaiah, 2 Kings 18:1-20-21
- 耶利米被关到一座井中, 耶利米 38章1-28节 – Jeremiah is put down a well, Jeremiah 38:1-28
- 但以理在狮子坑中, 但以理书6:1-28 – Daniel in the Lions Den, Daniel 6:1-28
- 以斯帖成为王后 – Esther becomes the Queen
- 尼希米记修建了一面墙 Nehemiah builds the wall, Nehemiah 2:1-3:32
- 玛拉基, – Malachi, Malachi 1:1-4:6
- 从旧约最后一本书玛拉基书到第一本福音书马太福音间隔的时间 – The time gap between Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew the first of the gospels
- 神的使者预告耶稣的诞生 – God’s messenger about the birth of Jesus
- 十字架在复活节作为圣经的模式 – cross
- 耶稣 – Jesus