The first module of nine modules or sections of the Old Testament contains 28 images.
Genesis - part one covers from Creation to King Abimelech. Along the way, we have many firsts, like the birth of Seth, Noah and the Ark, Abraham, and Isaac and Rebekah. Read more »
You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview.
Pictorial explanations of the Bible with helpful written comments.
Done in historical chronological order which is broken up into 17 sections or parts - 9 Old Testament sections or parts and 8 New Testament sections or parts.
Navigation: use left hand images or click on the blue or green text taglines that will introduce you to the next level down.
You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview. Bibleview-New Testament app by bibleview.
Done in historical chronological order which is broken up into 17 sections or parts - 9 Old Testament sections or parts and 8 New Testament sections or parts.
Navigation: use left hand images or click on the blue or green text taglines that will introduce you to the next level down.
You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview. Bibleview-New Testament app by bibleview.
Genesis – part two »

The book of Genesis - part two. The second of nine modules of the Old Testament contains 25 images.
You can do a deeper study on the book of Genesis - part two by clicking on the links beside each image. Genesis - part two is the continuation of Genesis - part one. Starting with Jacob and his family, founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Then ending with the death of Jacob and Joseph. Read more ». Which leads on to the next section or module, which is the Life of Moses »
You can do a deeper study on the book of Genesis - part two by clicking on the links beside each image. Genesis - part two is the continuation of Genesis - part one. Starting with Jacob and his family, founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Then ending with the death of Jacob and Joseph. Read more ». Which leads on to the next section or module, which is the Life of Moses »
Life of Moses »

Life of Moses - the third of nine Old Testament modules contains 56 images.
To study the Life of Moses, click on any image or link for more information.
The Life of Moses covers 120 years and is found in four books of the Torah namely Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Moses was also called a friend of God. Read more »
To study the Life of Moses, click on any image or link for more information.
The Life of Moses covers 120 years and is found in four books of the Torah namely Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Moses was also called a friend of God. Read more »
Joshua and Judges, Leaders in Israel »

Joshua and Judges, Leaders in Israel, - the fourth of nine Old Testament modules. Clicking on this image leads you to a further 47 images.
You can start to study Joshua and Judges, Leaders in Israel which covers an approximately 400 year period. The books covered include Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The Judges started to lead Israel after the death of Joshua and Caleb. They include: Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech, Abdon, Samson, Samuel, and his two sons Joel and Abijah. Included in this period are people like Rahab with the fall of Jericho and Ai, Ruth and Boaz. Read more »
You can start to study Joshua and Judges, Leaders in Israel which covers an approximately 400 year period. The books covered include Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The Judges started to lead Israel after the death of Joshua and Caleb. They include: Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech, Abdon, Samson, Samuel, and his two sons Joel and Abijah. Included in this period are people like Rahab with the fall of Jericho and Ai, Ruth and Boaz. Read more »
Four Kings – Saul, David & Solomon and »

Four Kings - Saul, David & Solomon and - the fifth of nine Old Testament modules. Clicking on this image leads you to a further 25 images.
The reigns of these Four kings, King Saul, King Ishbosheth, King David and King Solomon, cover a period of 120 years. Each king reigns for about 40 years except King Ishbosheth. Life of King Saul includes attempting to kill David who became the next King. King David's life includes being close to God and at the other end the time with Bathsheba. His son King Solomon was a very wise man, including using a sword to get an answer out of two women. Read more »
The reigns of these Four kings, King Saul, King Ishbosheth, King David and King Solomon, cover a period of 120 years. Each king reigns for about 40 years except King Ishbosheth. Life of King Saul includes attempting to kill David who became the next King. King David's life includes being close to God and at the other end the time with Bathsheba. His son King Solomon was a very wise man, including using a sword to get an answer out of two women. Read more »
Prophets and Kings part one » »

Prophets and Kings - is the sixth of eight Old Testament modules or sections and contains 53 images.
You can start to study the times of the Prophets and Kings by clicking on these pictures. This period of 500 years was a torrid time. Along with some of the main players of Israel, there are 39 kings who include King Ahab, King Rehoboam, King Hoshea, King Zedekiah and a large number of prophets who include Jeremiah, Malachi, Zechariah. Read more »
You can start to study the times of the Prophets and Kings by clicking on these pictures. This period of 500 years was a torrid time. Along with some of the main players of Israel, there are 39 kings who include King Ahab, King Rehoboam, King Hoshea, King Zedekiah and a large number of prophets who include Jeremiah, Malachi, Zechariah. Read more »
Prophets and Kings part two » »

Prophets and Kings - is the seventh of eight Old Testament modules or sections and contains 49 images.
You can start to study the times of the Prophets and Kings by clicking on these pictures. This period of 500 years was a torrid time. Along with some of the main players of Israel, there were 39 kings, who include King Ahab, King Rehoboam, King Hoshea and King Zedekiah, and a large number of prophets, who include Jeremiah, Malachi and Zechariah. Read more »
You can start to study the times of the Prophets and Kings by clicking on these pictures. This period of 500 years was a torrid time. Along with some of the main players of Israel, there were 39 kings, who include King Ahab, King Rehoboam, King Hoshea and King Zedekiah, and a large number of prophets, who include Jeremiah, Malachi and Zechariah. Read more »
400 Years »

Approximately 400 Years block - is the last of nine Old Testament modules or sections and contains over 17 images.
400 years between the Two Testaments: Click on an image for more information. This approximately 400 period has all sorts of things happening, including wars, and ends with the birth of a very important person. Some of the names you will meet include Alexander the Great, Antiochus IV Epiphanes and King Herod the Great. Read more »
400 years between the Two Testaments: Click on an image for more information. This approximately 400 period has all sorts of things happening, including wars, and ends with the birth of a very important person. Some of the names you will meet include Alexander the Great, Antiochus IV Epiphanes and King Herod the Great. Read more »
Birth of Jesus »

The Birth of Jesus is the first of eight sections or modules on the New Testament.
Birth of Jesus covers from the announcement to Mary by the angel Gabriel to Jesus' coming of age at 12 years old, and introduces His death on the cross. Included in the line up are the Magi, King Herod, Simeon, Anna, angels, shepherds, and the mother of Jesus and her husband Joseph. New Go to Google Play store for the Birth of Jesus app, apps by bibleview. Read More »
Birth of Jesus covers from the announcement to Mary by the angel Gabriel to Jesus' coming of age at 12 years old, and introduces His death on the cross. Included in the line up are the Magi, King Herod, Simeon, Anna, angels, shepherds, and the mother of Jesus and her husband Joseph. New Go to Google Play store for the Birth of Jesus app, apps by bibleview. Read More »
Ministry of Jesus »

Ministry of Jesus - is the second of eight sections or modules on the New Testament.
Ministry of Jesus coves the period when Jesus started His public Ministry of about three and a half years, where we meet the 12 disciples, those against Jesus and those who supported Jesus, From about a week before His death, this period of His life is covered in the module Easter - Triumphal Entry to Pentecost. Now back to the Ministry of Jesus. Read more »
Ministry of Jesus coves the period when Jesus started His public Ministry of about three and a half years, where we meet the 12 disciples, those against Jesus and those who supported Jesus, From about a week before His death, this period of His life is covered in the module Easter - Triumphal Entry to Pentecost. Now back to the Ministry of Jesus. Read more »
Easter, New Moon and Triumphal Entry to Pentecost »

Easter, New Moon and Triumphal Entry to Pentecost - is the third of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament.
This module takes an in-depth look at this period of Jesus' life and His followers and those who opposed Him. Including the crucifixion and three days later His resurrection. And ending with the Holy Spirit coming on the day of Pentecost. Read more »
Bibleview-New Testament app by bibleview. Bibleview-Easter app by bibleview.
This module takes an in-depth look at this period of Jesus' life and His followers and those who opposed Him. Including the crucifixion and three days later His resurrection. And ending with the Holy Spirit coming on the day of Pentecost. Read more »
Bibleview-New Testament app by bibleview. Bibleview-Easter app by bibleview.
Acts part one »

Acts part one - is the fourth of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament.
This is the first part of a two-part section and covers what the early believers did after the death of Jesus. Including some of the events:- The start of the Early Church, Peter Preaches his First sermon, Ananias and Sapphira, Choosing of the Seven Helpers, Peter’s dream and Cornelius's call, Peter in prison again, and the fortune telling Slave Girl. Read more »
This is the first part of a two-part section and covers what the early believers did after the death of Jesus. Including some of the events:- The start of the Early Church, Peter Preaches his First sermon, Ananias and Sapphira, Choosing of the Seven Helpers, Peter’s dream and Cornelius's call, Peter in prison again, and the fortune telling Slave Girl. Read more »
Acts part two »

Acts part two - is the fifth of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament.
This second part of a two-part section covers mainly the Life of Paul and places some of the books he wrote in the order Paul wrote them. Some of the events:- Books being burnt, Paul being arrested and a number of trials, Paul and a snake, Paul in prison in Rome, and The Great Fire of Rome, on 19 July AD64. Read more »
This second part of a two-part section covers mainly the Life of Paul and places some of the books he wrote in the order Paul wrote them. Some of the events:- Books being burnt, Paul being arrested and a number of trials, Paul and a snake, Paul in prison in Rome, and The Great Fire of Rome, on 19 July AD64. Read more »
Hebrews Chapter Eleven »

Hebrews Chapter Eleven is the sixth of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament.
The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is called the faith chapter, as the writer mentions many Old Testament men and women who had faith in God. They include Adam, Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Samson, Samuel, Elisha the Prophet, Jeremiah the prophet, Daniel and includes women like Sarah, Jochebed, Rahab, the Widow of Zarephath, the Shunammite woman. Read more »
The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is called the faith chapter, as the writer mentions many Old Testament men and women who had faith in God. They include Adam, Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Samson, Samuel, Elisha the Prophet, Jeremiah the prophet, Daniel and includes women like Sarah, Jochebed, Rahab, the Widow of Zarephath, the Shunammite woman. Read more »
Revelation – part one »

Revelation - part one is the seventh and second to last of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. Clicking on this image leads you to a further 44 images. The first module of two on the Book of Revelation. John is on the Island of Patmos. He wrote down what was passed down to him from God through Jesus via an angel. This section of the book of Revelation includes:- seven churches, the seven seals, the seven trumpets or shofars, the three horrors, the Two Witnesses of God, an earthquake, and the Ark of God. Read more »
Revelation with music app by bibleview.
Revelation part two »

Revelation part two - is the eighth and last of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament.
The book of Revelation Part Two - ends up with revealing who wins the fight between God and Satan and the final outcome for the earth and its people. Along the way, we meet a number of situations John the Apostle writes about, including: a Red Dragon and some beasts, seven bowls of wrath, a white horse with a very special rider and a Holy City. Read more »
The book of Revelation Part Two - ends up with revealing who wins the fight between God and Satan and the final outcome for the earth and its people. Along the way, we meet a number of situations John the Apostle writes about, including: a Red Dragon and some beasts, seven bowls of wrath, a white horse with a very special rider and a Holy City. Read more »
Old Testament Overview »

The Overview of the Old Testament consists of 50 images which help to tell the content of this section of the Bible.
Starting with the creation and include meeting with Bible greats such as Adam and Eve, Enoch, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Noah, Joshua, King David, Jonah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Queen Esther and many more.
By touching the images or clicking on the blue text you will find a lot more detail of each person or event in the Bible. Read more » You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview.
Starting with the creation and include meeting with Bible greats such as Adam and Eve, Enoch, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Noah, Joshua, King David, Jonah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Queen Esther and many more.
By touching the images or clicking on the blue text you will find a lot more detail of each person or event in the Bible. Read more » You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview.
Kings of Judah »

Kings of Judah - the sixth of nine Old Testament modules. Clicking on this image leads you to a further 20 images.
Study the times of any of these 20 kings of Judah by clicking on any of the images. They include King Rehoboam, after the death of his father King Solomon, King Abijah, King Asa, King Jehoshaphat, King Amaziah, King Azariah, King Hezekiah, King Manasseh, King Josiah and King Zedekiah. Again they were taken into slavery because they disobeyed God. Read more »
Study the times of any of these 20 kings of Judah by clicking on any of the images. They include King Rehoboam, after the death of his father King Solomon, King Abijah, King Asa, King Jehoshaphat, King Amaziah, King Azariah, King Hezekiah, King Manasseh, King Josiah and King Zedekiah. Again they were taken into slavery because they disobeyed God. Read more »
Timelines »

1. Undated Past until 1800BC including the book of Genesis. [Approximately 6 A4 pages of notes if printed].
2. 1800BC-1400BC The life of Moses as found in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. [Approximately 8 A4 pages of notes if printed].
3. 1400BC-1000BC The period of the Judges, covering the books in the Bible called Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Samuel. [Approximately 6 A4 pages of notes if printed]
4. 1043BC-931BC [Approximately 2 A4 pages of notes if printed]. Other timelines »
2. 1800BC-1400BC The life of Moses as found in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. [Approximately 8 A4 pages of notes if printed].
3. 1400BC-1000BC The period of the Judges, covering the books in the Bible called Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Samuel. [Approximately 6 A4 pages of notes if printed]
4. 1043BC-931BC [Approximately 2 A4 pages of notes if printed]. Other timelines »
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Overall: is a large, unique, multilingual website which presents an overview of the Christian Bible. The English section has over 800 pages and over 600 images. It has been on the web since 2002.
Indexing: The entire text of the Bible is indexed using small, iconic representations of the same picture which illustrates each biblical story. Starting from the home page for each language, these indices allow the web surfer to access any Bible reading using only two or three mouse clicks. It is very slick, and the site authors are to be congratulated.
Each one comprises an explanatory introduction; the picture; and finally, the Bible reading itself. All of the pages are further supplemented by a paragraph or two of prose, which present the historical background, so as to complete the word picture. The introductory texts in the English language edition have been written taking particular care that the grammar and spelling are for readers for whom English is a second or third language.
Design: This website is the result of a labor of love by a handful of enthusiastic and dedicated amateurs, with help from many others over the years, all on a shoestring budget. The pages load remarkably quickly. It is very usable even on a slow dial-up connection. This has been achieved by the professional programmer who is working tirelessly behind the scenes as his voluntary missionary contribution.
Pictures: Most of the pictures are simple, photographic reproductions of a series of large poster-sized colored drawings which were created specially for the originator of the project when he was in the role of an itinerant preacher. Reusing these pictures for the website has been a brilliant idea. Some of the pictures are used more than once for different pages.
In Conclusion: This website provides an effective Bible-based introduction to Christianity. In common with most amateur projects it is a work in progress. Be prepared to see ongoing incremental changes on a continuous basis.
The site: is made up as seen below: Language Level - The Bible broken into sections. Second Level - One of those sections. Third Level - Information on one of those small images. And extras like Time Lines
Supplementary information, such as teaching notes, resources and background information, has been added to some of the English modules. A number of files of information are kept offline. Some of these can be emailed on request. A list of these files is being prepared.
The three most important Links are: Old Testament, New Testament and Timelines.
Indexing: The entire text of the Bible is indexed using small, iconic representations of the same picture which illustrates each biblical story. Starting from the home page for each language, these indices allow the web surfer to access any Bible reading using only two or three mouse clicks. It is very slick, and the site authors are to be congratulated.
Each one comprises an explanatory introduction; the picture; and finally, the Bible reading itself. All of the pages are further supplemented by a paragraph or two of prose, which present the historical background, so as to complete the word picture. The introductory texts in the English language edition have been written taking particular care that the grammar and spelling are for readers for whom English is a second or third language.
Design: This website is the result of a labor of love by a handful of enthusiastic and dedicated amateurs, with help from many others over the years, all on a shoestring budget. The pages load remarkably quickly. It is very usable even on a slow dial-up connection. This has been achieved by the professional programmer who is working tirelessly behind the scenes as his voluntary missionary contribution.
Pictures: Most of the pictures are simple, photographic reproductions of a series of large poster-sized colored drawings which were created specially for the originator of the project when he was in the role of an itinerant preacher. Reusing these pictures for the website has been a brilliant idea. Some of the pictures are used more than once for different pages.
In Conclusion: This website provides an effective Bible-based introduction to Christianity. In common with most amateur projects it is a work in progress. Be prepared to see ongoing incremental changes on a continuous basis.
The site: is made up as seen below: Language Level - The Bible broken into sections. Second Level - One of those sections. Third Level - Information on one of those small images. And extras like Time Lines
Supplementary information, such as teaching notes, resources and background information, has been added to some of the English modules. A number of files of information are kept offline. Some of these can be emailed on request. A list of these files is being prepared.
The three most important Links are: Old Testament, New Testament and Timelines.
Pictorial explanations of the Bible with helpful written comments.
Done in historical chronological order which is broken up into 17 sections or parts - 9 Old Testament sections or parts and 8 New Testament sections or parts.
There are also sections called timelines to be explored as well as sections labeled Useful Information and About Us. You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview. Bibleview-New Testament app by bibleview.
There are also sections called timelines to be explored as well as sections labeled Useful Information and About Us. You can download: Bibleview - Old Testament app by bibleview. Bibleview-New Testament app by bibleview.