You can start to study the times of the Prophets and Kings by clicking on these pictures. This period of 500 years was a torrid time. Along with some of the main players of Israel, there are 39 kings who include King Ahab, King Rehoboam, King Hoshea, King Zedekiah and a large number of prophets who include Jeremiah, Malachi, Zechariah.

931BC-913BC – King Rehoboam the first King of Judah

1 Kings 14:21-31. Following the death of King Solomon, his kingdom was divided into two. The southern kingdom was called the House of Judah, and in 931BC, King Solomon's son Rehoboam became their king, reigning for 18 years and died in 913BC.. Rehoboam in Hebrew means: Free of the people. The tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Simeon formed the southern kingdom and many of the Levites and others from other tribes who were faithful to God moved to this southern kingdom from the rebelling northern kingdom.   Read more » List of the Kings of Judah and also: Timeline - 900BC-700BC

931BC-910BC – King Jeroboam the first King of the House of Israel

1 Kings 11:26-30. After King Solomon’s death, his kingdom was divided into two. King Jeroboam was the first king of Israel’s ten northern tribes - the House of Israel. His cultic and warring leadership marked him with infamy as “Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin”(e.g., 2 Kings 3:3) and drew the anger of the Lord God. Many people not faithful to the Lord God moved to the northern kingdom and many people faithful to the Lord God from the different tribes in the northern kingdom moved to the southern kingdom.   Read more » - also read List of the Kings of Israel

913-911BC – King Abijah or Abijam the 2nd king of Judah

Abijah succeeded his father Rehoboam as king of Judah. Abijah reigned in Jerusalem for three years. He sinned like his father. His mother was Maacah, the daughter of Absalom. Abijam in Hebrew means: my father is The LORD.   Read more »

911BC-870BC – King Asa the 3rd and a Good King of Judah

King Asa ruled for 41 years – 911BC-870BC. King Asa was the son of the previous king, King Abijam. King Asa did what pleased God. He removed the pagan places of worship and destroyed them. King Asa had an army of over five hundred thousand fighting men. However, when Zerah the Cushite came to fight King Asa, King Asa called to the Lord his God and God struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah. In his old age, he was crippled by a foot disease. King Asa died of natural causes and was buried in the royal tombs in Jerusalem. Background Reading: 1 Kings 15:9-24.   Read more »

910BC – King Nadab the 2nd King of Israel

1 Kings 15:25-31. King Nadab, the son of King Jeroboam, was the 2nd King of Israel and ruled Israel for 2 years from 910BC. He was murdered by Baasha while they were at war with the Philistines. Baasha, the son of Ahijah, then became the 3rd King of Israel. Nadab in Hebrew means: liberal, generous. Background Reading: 15:25 Jeroboam’s son Nadab became king over Israel during the second year of the reign of King Asa over Judah. He reigned over Israel for two years, 26 practicing what the LORD considered to be evil, living the way his father did,   Read more »

909BC-886BC – King Baasha the 3rd King of Israel

1 Kings 15:27-16:7. Baasha of the tribe of Issachar ruled for 24 years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Because of his sins the Lord God said through the prophet Jehu. "I will do away with you and your family." Baasha had killed off the previous king to become king of the northern kingdom of Israel. King Baasha had a continuing war with the southern kingdom. Baasha in Hebrew means: Baal hears. Background Reading: 27 So Ahijah’s son Baasha from the household of Issachar conspired against him and killed Nadab at Gibbethon   Read more »

886BC-885BC – King Elah the 4th King of Israel

1 Kings 16:8-14. King Elah, an Edomite chief, ruled only for two years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Elah was killed by one of his officers, Zimri, who became the next king of Israel. The prophet Jehu had said that Baasha and all his house would die and no one would be left, and this prophecy came to pass. Elah's name means: An oak. Background Reading: 8 During the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Asa of Judah, Baasha’s son Elah became king over Israel   Read more »

885BC – King Zimri the 5th King of Israel

1 Kings 16:9-20. Zimri ruled for seven days and then committed suicide by fire. He sinned against the Lord. Zimri murdered the previous king who was his master. The name Zimri became a byword for a traitor who murdered his master. King Zimri helped to bring to pass the word of the Lord as given by Jehu son of Hanani against Baasha. Zimri in Hebrew means: praiseworthy. Background Reading: 16:1 Zimri reigned for seven days at Tirzah during the twenty-seventh year of the reign of King Asa of Judah.   Read more »

885BC-874BC – King Omri the 6th King of Israel

1 Kings 16:15-28. Omri ruled for 12 years. First six years he ruled in Tirzah and then moved to a hill he called Samaria. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. His son Ahab succeeded him at his death. King Omri, a strong and decisive ruler, and the founder of Samaria, Israel's capital for about 150 years. Lacking God's help, King Omri allowed Syria to encroach on Israel's land. Omri in Hebrew means: The Lord is my life. Background Reading: 16:21 The army of Israel was divided into two parties: half of the army were loyal to Ginath’s son Tibni   Read more »

874BC-853BC – King Ahab becomes the 7th King of Israel

1 Kings 16:29-22:40. King Ahab, the son of Omri, was the 7th King of Israel and reigned from 874BC-853BC. He married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal 1 (or Ithbaal 1) the King of the Zidonians (Tyre). After King Ahab died from battle wounds. his son Ahaziah succeeded him as the 8th King of Israel. Ahab in Hebrew means: father’s brother (=uncle). Background Reading: 16:29 Omri’s son Ahab became king over Israel in the thirty-eighth year of King Asa of Judah. He reigned over Israel in Samaria for 22 years.   Read more »

860BC – The Widow of Zarephath received back her dead son

During the reign of King Ahab and a time of extreme drought, God sent Elijah to Zarephath, a town in Phoenicia in the area of Sidon to meet a poor widow. Elijah may have had to walk for over a week to get from the brook Cherith to meet her. Why Elijah was sent to this person, and not to someone else, we will never know. The widow agreed to Elijah’s request and, from the little supply she had, provided food for him. The widow’s food supply was supernaturally extended to meet their needs. Because of her obedience, she was rewarded by the rejuvenation of her son. Background Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-24.   Read more »

860BC-852BC – Elijah the prophet on Mount Carmel

The day God burnt Elijah the prophet’s sacrifice! After Israel had gone more than three years without rain as a judgment for their idolatry, the prophet Elijah confronted the evil king Ahab and challenged him to a spiritual showdown. An altar was built and Elijah told Ahab and the Baal prophets to summon Baal to set the offering on fire. Following a ‘no-show’ by Baal, Elijah prayed and a frightening fire broke out. Read the scripture below to find out who won the contest. Elijah the prophet’s public ministry as a prophet spanned 8 years = 860BC-852BC. Background Reading: 1 Kings 18:1-46.   Read more »

874/73-853BC – Queen Jezebel an evil queen Queen Jezebel

Queen Jezebel, a Phoenician princess, was the daughter of King Ethbaal of Tyre and the wife of King Ahab. She was also mother of Ahaziah and Joram (Jehoram) later to be Kings of Israel. Her marriage to King Ahab was for political alliance purposes. For example, Queen Jezebel used her power as Queen to get Naboth killed so King Ahab could get Naboth’s family land for his personal vegetable garden. Jezebel's death was prophesied and was horrible! Her servants threw her out a window. Jezebel in Hebrew means: without cohabitation. Background Reading: 1 Kings 21:1-29.   Read more »

856BC – Naboth’s family Vineyard and King Ahab

Naboth the Jezreelite 856BC. One day King Ahab of Samaria asked Naboth for his land and Naboth refused, because it was a family plot. Under Jewish law, the land was allowed to stay in the family line as long as they could pay the taxes. King Ahab told Queen Jezebel and she intervened and had Naboth the Jezreelite killed by stoning. This is how the King got possession of the land. To allow his vineyard to be used as a private vegetable patch by King Ahab of Samaria. God did not let this go unnoticed and asked Elijah to find King Ahab and pass on God’s message of displeasure. Background Reading: 1 Kings 21:1-29.   Read more »

848BC – Micaiah a man of God, prophesies against King Ahab

1 Kings 22:1-28. Micaiah son of Imlah a prophet of God in the time of King Ahab 7th King of Israel. Micaiah foretold the fall of King Ahab at the battle of Ramoth Gilead. Micaiah served God publicly about 848BC. There are over six other men called Micaiah in the Old Testament. Micaiah's name in Hebrew means: Who is like Jah. Background Reading: 22:1 Three years passed without war between Aram and Israel. 2 During that third year, King Jehoshaphat of Judah   Read more »

873/72BC-848BC – King Jehoshaphat the 4th and a Good King of Judah

1 Kings 22:41-50 and 2nd Chronicles 17:1-20:37. King Jehoshaphat 4th King of Judah 873/72BC-848BC reigned 25 years. King Jehoshaphat did what pleased God. Son of the previous king, King Asa. Jehoshaphat died of natural causes. His son Jehoram succeeded him as King. One of the things King Jehoshaphat did was build some trading ships but before they could be used for trading they got wrecked. while King Jehoshaphat walked with the LORD the nations around him feared him because he had God's protection. Jehoshaphat in Hebrew means: Jehovah is the judge.   Read more »

853BC-852BC – King Ahaziah the 8th King of Israel

1 Kings 22:51-53, 2 Kings 1:1-18. Ahaziah was made King and ruled over Israel for two years from his capital in Samaria. Ahaziah had no son and so Joram succeeded him as 9th king of Israel. King Ahaziah did evil in God's eyes because he worshiped Baal-Zabub the god of Ekron just as his father had done. King Ahaziah had injured himself very badly and wondered if he would die. This was when God intervened and sent Elijah with a message from God to Ahaziah king of Samaria that he would die. His death came to pass as predicted by Elijah the prophet of God.   Read more »

853BC – King Jehoram the 5th King of Judah

2nd Kings 8:16-24 and 2nd Chronicles 2:1-20. King Jehoram ruled for eight years before he died of an illness. King Jehoram sinned against the Lord God. Edom revolted against Judah and became an independent Kingdom. Jehoram came to the throne on the death of his father King Jehoshaphat and was succeeded by his son Ahaziah at his death. Jehoram married the daughter of Queen Jezebel the wife of King Ahab the king of the Northern Kingdom why he had married her we are not told. As King Jehoram forsook the Lord things started to unravel for the Kingdom of Judah.   Read more »

852BC-841BC – King Jehoram the 9th King of Israel

2nd Kings 3:1-9:25 and 2 Chronicles 22:5-7. King Jehoram ruled for twelve years and was murdered by Jehu, an army officer. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Jehoram was the son of Ahab and Jezebel. King Jehoram fought against the people of Moab and won. Jehoram or Joram in Hebrew means: Jehovah is exalted. Background Reading: 3:1 Ahab’s son Jehoram ascended to the throne of Israel at Samaria during the eighteenth year of the reign of Judah’s king Jehoshaphat. He reigned for twelve years, 2 practicing evil in the LORD’s presence,   Read more »

860BC-852BC – Elisha the prophet who took over from Elijah

2 Kings 2:1-14. Elijah served as a prophet of God for 8 years from 860BC-852BC. During that time, while King Ahab was reigning as King of Israel, Elijah called Elisha to be his attendant – see 1st Kings 19:19-21. Elijah’s work for God ended when God took him to heaven. Elisha then became God’s prophet and served God for 56 years from 852BC-796BC. Elisha died during the reign of King Jehoash, the 12th King of Israel 798BC-782BC – see 2 Kings 13:20. Elisha in Hebrew means: God is savior.   Read more »

860BC-852BC – Elisha’s second of 32 Miracles – Healing of the water

2 Kings 2:19-22. Elisha the Son of Shaphat from Abel-meholah held the office of a prophet for fifty-five years. His second miracle was healing of the water of Jericho. Elisha in Hebrew means: God is savior. Elisha's illness 2 Kings 13:14. Elisha's death 2 Kings 13:20. Background Reading: 2:19 The men who lived in the city addressed Elisha. “Look now,” they said, “our city’s location is good, as you have been observing, but the water springs here are bad and the land isn’t sustaining crops.”  Read more »

852-796BC – The miracle of the Widow’s oil

2 Kings 4:1-7. Elisha met a widow of a prophet. She had debts and the creditor was coming to take her sons as slaves. God had Elisha meet the woman and her sons' needs in an interesting way. Elisha had her get many jars and fill them with oil from her one small jar. For the rest of the story read Background Reading below. Background Reading: 4:1 Now there happened to be a certain woman who had been the wife of a member of the Guild of Prophets.   Read more »

852-796BC – The Shunammite woman had her son restored back to life

In the days of Elisha, he went to Shunem, a city of Issachar, and met a very rich woman. This woman asked Elisha to stay for a meal. Then she got her husband to build a room for Elisha to stay any time he wanted. Elisha asked the woman what he could do for her as the prophet of God. Which includes of her giving birth to a son and later Elisha restoring that son to her alive after he had died. Background Reading: 2 Kings 4:8-37.   Read more »

849BC – Naaman the man healed of Leprosy by Elisha the man of God

Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy. The story happened because of a young Jewish slave girl who spoke up and was believed. Elisha told the king of Israel to send Naaman to him. The name Naaman means: pleasantness. Background Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-27.   Read more »

848BC-841BC – Obadiah the prophet of God

Obadiah 1:1-9. Lived 848BC-841BC - see 2 Kings 8:16-24 and 2 Chronicles 21:1-20. Obadiah lived after Naaman 2 Kings 5:1-27 and before Jonah 782BC-753BC. His writings in the book of Obadiah cover the times of 2 Kings 8:16-24 and 2 Chronicles 21:1-20. Obadiah in Hebrew means: servant of Jah. There are thirteen men named Obadiah in the Bible. Background Reading: 1:1 Obadiah’s vision: This is what the Lord GOD has to say about Edom. We have heard a report from the LORD,   Read more »

841BC – King Ahaziah the 6th King of Judah

2nd Kings 8:24-9:29 and 2nd Chronicles 22:1-9. King Ahaziah came to power at 22 years old and ruled for one year. King Ahaziah sinned against the Lord God. He with King Joram of Israel went to war against Syria, where King Joram was wounded. King Ahaziah later died from wounds inflicted on him by Jehu, in the city of Megiddo. The city of Megiddo is situated in the north of Israel in the Jezreel Valley, which starts at the coast. Megiddo has had a number of famous battles and is associated with the end-time conflict called Armageddon.   Read more »

841BC – Queen Athaliah the 7th King of Judah Queen Athaliah

2 Chronicles 22:10-12. Queen Athaliah, who ruled for six years, was 7th King - actually a Queen - of Judah.. She was the mother of King Ahaziah the 6th king of Judah. When she learned her son was dead, she then took control of the kingdom of Judah and killed all the members of the royal household. But she missed one child, Joash, who later was to rule in her place as the 8th king of Judah. The army officers killed her at the Horse Gate on the orders of Jehoiada the priest. Queen Athaliah was not liked by the people because of what she did.   Read more »

841BC-814BC – King Jehu the 10th King of Israel

2 Kings 9:1-10:36 and 2 Chronicles 22:7-12. Jehu ruled for 28 years. He killed the people God wanted to be killed and this included the Baal worshipers. He later sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. When he died, he was buried in Samaria, and his son Jehoahaz became the new king. During the reign of King Jehu God started to reduce the size of the northern Kingdom of Israel. Jehu in Hebrew means: Jehovah is He. Background Reading: 1 Elisha called one of the members of the Guild of Prophets and told him, “Get ready to run,   Read more »

835-795BC – Joash the 8th King of Judah

2 Kings 11:1-12:21 and 2nd Chronicles 22:10-24:27. Joash became king when he was 7 years old and ruled for 40 years. Joash started to repair the temple in Jerusalem. He was good in God's eyes. And Amaziah his son succeeded him as king. Joash worked out ways to repair the temple of God because it had been a great part of his early life. For some reason, Joash's officials conspired against him and killed him. J(eh)oash in Hebrew means: Jehovah-given. Joash replaced his mother, Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah, who had replaced his father, Ahaziah, at his death.   Read more »

835BC – Joel the prophet of God

Joel the son of Penthuel wrote a small book or scroll while he lived in Judah. In this book ,Joel gives a detailed description of a severe locust plague that hit Judah and Samaria. In this event he saw a sign for the final Judgment and warned the people of God to turn to God in repentance. Joel also announced that the “day of the Lord” was coming and would bring even greater judgment. Background Reading: 1:1 This message from the LORD came to Pethuel’s son Joel.   Read more »

814BC-798BC – King Jehoahaz the 11th King of Israel

2 Kings 13:1:9. King Jehoahaz ruled Israel for 17 years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Because of the sins of King Jehoahaz God allowed King Hazael of Syria to defeat Israel time after time. He reigned for 17 years 814BC-798BC in Samaria the capital of the northern tribes, which were called the House of Israel during this time of Israels history. When Jehoahaz died, his son Joash became king. Jehoahaz in Hebrew means: God has held firmly. Background Reading: 13:1 During the twenty-third year of the reign of Ahaziah’s son Joash, king of Judah,   Read more »

798BC-782BC- King Jehoash the 12th King of Israel

2 Kings 13:10-14:16. King Jehoash (798-783) ruled Israel for sixteen years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Before dying the prophet Elisha said to King Jehoash that he would defeat Ben-hadad, son of King Hazael of Syria, three times. Must have been a rough time because Moabite raiders used to enter the country every spring. He held the prophet Elisha in honor and wept by his bedside while he was dying. Background Reading: 10 During the thirty-seventh year of the reign of king Joash of Judah, Jehoahaz’s son Jehoash began a sixteen year   Read more »

796BC -767BC – King Amaziah the 9th and a Good King of Judah

2 Kings 14:1-20 and 2 Chronicles 25:1-28. King Amaziah was good in God’s sight and reigned for 29 years 796BC-767BC. He was the son of the previous King Joash. King Jeroboam II of Israel was the contemporary king in Israel and Shalmaneser IV King of Assyria was around towards the end of King Amaziah’s reign. While King Amaziah followed God’s ways things went well, but then he started to do his own thing. Find out why he was murdered by court members in the Background Reading below. Background Reading: 14:1 Amaziah, son of Judah’s king Joash,   Read more »

793BC-753BC – King Jeroboam 2nd the 13th King of Israel

2 Kings 14:23-29. King Jeroboam 2nd ruled for 40 years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Although he sinned against God, God used him to restore land that Jonah the prophet had spoken about. King Jeroboam 2nd was succeeded by his son Zechariah as king. He fought and conquered Damascus and Hamath and expanded Israel's boundaries. Israel was very prosperous during this time. Jeroboam's reign was also the period of the prophets Hosea, Joel, Jonah, and Amos. Jeroboam in Hebrew means: he pleads the people's cause.   Read more »

790BC – King Azariah the 10th and a good King of Judah

2 Kings 15:1-7 and 2 Chronicles 26:1-23. King Azariah or Uzziah acceded to the throne at 16 and ruled for 52 years. King Azariah did what pleased God and listened to Zechariah, prophet of God. God blessed the king until later in life, when Azariah had become very powerful, he let pride be his downfall. Read the Bible section below to find out what he did with his life. Azariah in Hebrew means: Yah (theLord) has helped.
Background Reading: 8 Amaziah’s son Azariah began reigning during the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Jeroboam, king of Israel.   Read more »

782BC-753BC – Jonah, a Prophet of God, and the Whale

Jonah 1:1-17-4:11. Jonah, the prophet of the most high God, - 782BC-753BC. The prophet who traveled in a whale or large fish to Nineveh. God wanted Jonah to give a message to Nineveh in the land of Assyria, an enemy of Israel, to repent and turn to God. The city of Nineveh is now called Mosul in northern Iraq, with a Jewish quarter, synagogues, study halls and a cemetery. Background Reading: 1:1 Now this message from the LORD came to Amittai’s son Jonah: 2 “Get up and go to Nineveh, that great city! Then cry out in protest against it, because their evil has come to my attention.”   Read more »

760BC–755BC – Amos the prophet of God

Amos was a shepherd called by God to be a prophet in the northern cities of Israel, during the time of riches and wealth for the northern kingdom before it was destroyed by Assyria in 722BC because of their sins. Background Reading: 1:1 The words of Amos, who was among the sheep breeders of Tekoa, which he spoke concerning Israel during the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah and during the reign of Joash’s son Jeroboam, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake. 2 He said, “From Zion the LORD roars, and from Jerusalem he shouts aloud.   Read more »

755BC-710BC – The prophet Hosea

Hosea 1:1-14:9. The prophet Hosea lived in the Northern Kingdom of Israel which he often referred to as Ephraim. He was a prophet for God roundabout 775BC-710BC. He was asked by God to marry an unfaithful wife to whom he had three children. Background Reading: 1:1 A message from the LORD came to Beeri’s son Hosea during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Joash’s son Jeroboam, who was king of Israel. 2 When a message from the LORD came to Hosea, the LORD told him,   Read more »

753BC – King Zechariah the 14th King of Israel

2 Kings 14:29-15:12. King Zechariah ruled in Samaria for six months. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. He was killed in front of the people by Shallum who became the next king. So the word of the LORD spoken to King Jehu was fulfilled: "Your descendants will sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation." The death of King Zechariah ended the dynasty of Jehu after four generations, fulfilling the prophecy by God in 2 Kings 10:30. Zechariah in Hebrew means: remembered by the Lord.   Read more »

752BC – King Shallum the 15th King of Israel

2 Kings 15:10-15. King Shallum ruled in Samaria for one month. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. He was murdered by Menahem who became the next king. Remember Shallum had murdered the previous king. God was not happy with the way the northern Kingdom of Israel was operating and was letting them create a mess so the people and the kings would end up in captivity. Shallum in Hebrew means: retribution. Background Reading: 15:10 So Jabesh’s son Shallum conspired against him and attacked him in full view of the people, killed him,   Read more »

752BC-742BC – King Menahem the 16th King of Israel

2 Kings 15:14-22. King Menahem, the son of Gadi, ruled in Samaria for ten years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. King Menahem gave money to Pul the Emperor of Assyria to help King Menahem rule Israel and also make Pul the Emperor of Assyria go back to his own country. King Menahem was very cruel even to his own people. Menahem rested with his fathers. And Pekahiah his son succeeded him as king. Menahem in Hebrew means: comforter.   Read more »

742BC-740BC – King Pekahiah the 17th King of Israel

2 Kings 15:22-26. King Pekahiah ruled in Samaria for two years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Pekah, an army officer with fifty men of Gilead, assassinated King Pekahiah and succeeded him as king. Pekahiah was the son of the previous king, King Menahem. Remember that Jesus was to come from the line of Judah. So what happened in the northern Kingdom of Israel could not affect this. Pekahiah in Hebrew means: YHWH has opened the eyes.   Read more »

740BC- 732BC – King Pekah the 18th King of Israel

2 Kings 15:27-31 and 2 Chronicles 28:5-8. King Pekah, the son of Remaliah, ruled in Samaria for twenty years. He sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin. Hoshea assassinated Pekah and succeeded him as king. Pul the emperor of Assyria captured the northern towns of Israel. King Pekah aligned himself with King Rezin of Damascus. Pekah in Hebrew means: open-eyed. Background Reading: 15:27 Remaliah’s son Pekah began a 20-year reign as Israel’s king during the fifty-second year of King Azariah   Read more »

Questions and Answers 1-24

1. Which of the sons of King Solomon became king after he died? 2. The northern kingdom was called the House of Israel and the southern kingdom was called the House of Judah. Is this correct? 3. King Abijah reigned in Jerusalem for how many years? 4. Did King Asa rule for 41 years? 5. Who was murdered by Baasha while they were at war with the Philistines? 6. How many years did King Baasha rule the House of Israel? 7. Who killed King Elah the 4th King of the House of Israel? 8. How did King Zimri the 5th King of Israel die?   Read more »

Questions and Answers 25-43

25. What does the name of Obadiah, the prophet of God, mean in Hebrew? 26. While King Amaziah 6th King of the House Judah, followed God’s ways, what happened? 27. How did Queen Athaliah die? 28. What did God do during King Jehu the 10th king of the House of Israel reign? 29. What age was King Joash, the 8th king of the House of Judah. when he started to rule? 30. What was the Prophet Joel's message to the people of Judah? 31. Because of the sins of King Jehoahaz, the 11th King of the House of Israel, God allowed?   Read more »

The 20 Kings of Judah who ruled between – 931BC-586BC

1. Rehoboam (evil) 931/30-913, 7 years Son Died 1 Kings 11:42-14:31 2 Chronicles 9:31-12:16.
2. Abijah (evil) 913- 911/10, 3 years Son Died 1 Kings 14:31-15 2 Chronicles 13:1-22.
3. Asa (Good) 911/10-870/69, 41 years Son Died 1 Kings 15:9-24 2 Chronicles 15:16-16:6.
4. Jehoshaphat (Good) 873/72-848, 25 years Son Died 1 Kings 22:41-50 2 Chronicles 20:31-21:1.   Read more »

The 19 Kings of Israel who ruled between – 931BC-722BC

1. Jeroboam I (evil) 931/30-910/09=22 years unknown Stricken by God 1 Kings 11:26-14:20 2 Chronicles 9:29-13:22
2. Nadab (evil) 910/09-909/08,=2 years Son Murdered by Baasha 1 Kings 15:25-28
3. Baasha (evil) 909/08-886/85,=24 years unknown Died 1 Kings 15:27-16:7 2 Chronicles 16:1-4
4. Elah (evil) 886/85-885/84,=2 years Son Murdered by Zimri 1 Kings 16:6-14   Read more »

The 19 Kings of Israel – 931BC-722BC = 209 years

1. Jeroboam I (evil) 931/30-910/09=22 years unknown Stricken by God 1 Kings 11:26-14:20 2 Chronicles 9:29-13:22
2. Nadab (evil) 910/09-909/08,=2 years Son Murdered by Baasha 1 Kings 15:25-28
3. Baasha (evil) 909/08-886/85,=24 years unknown Died 1 Kings 15:27-16:7 2 Chronicles 16:1-4
4. Elah (evil) 886/85-885/84,=2 years Son Murdered by Zimri 1 Kings 16:6-14   Read more »

Time Line for Divided Kingdom

Time Line for the Divided Kingdom 900bc-700bc and 700bc-400bc
Time Line for Divided Kingdom 900bc-700bc and 700bc-400bc
Time Line for Divided Kingdom 900bc-700bc and 700bc-400bc
Time Line for the Divided Kingdom 900bc-700bc and 700bc-400bc   Read more »

Timeline of the Kings of Israel

Timeline of the Kings of Israel.
Approximately 4 A4 pages from 930BC-700BC set up so you can print them.
Please enjoy looking at this table of contents as much as we did making it.   Read more »

Background Information – Prophets and Kings

Background Notes And Study Material for: The Divided Kingdoms and The Prophets to ask for and receive some of the material that was used in preparing THE DIVIDED KINGDOMS AND THE PROPHETS.   Read more »

Resources – Prophets and Kings

RESOURCE BOOKS: The Macmillan Bible Atlas by Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings by Dr. Edwin Thiele Paternoster press 1951. Young's Analytical Concordance. Time Lines By Zondervan - Chronological and background of New Testament. Timelines of the western church – Susan Lynn Paterson 1999 Zondervan Publishers. Great Events of The Bible Times - James Harper Edition Marshall Editions LTD 1987 ISBN 0-297-79068-4. Clarke's Commentary.   Read more »

Next Module – Prophets and Kings part two

Next Module - Prophets and Kings part two
This period of 500 years has been a torrid time. Along with some of the main players of Israel, there have been 39 kings who include King Ahab, King Rehoboam, King Hoshea, King Zedekiah and a large number of prophets who include Jeremiah, Malachi, Zechariah. Also people like Queen Ester of Persia, Daniel and Nehemiah.   Read more »

Now we can study the 400 years between the Old and New testaments or go and study the Birth of Jesus.