Genesis 27:1-29. Jacob lived 147 years, from 2005BC-1885BC. He married two sisters, Leah and Rachel, and then had 12 sons and at least one daughter, Dinah. God changed Jacob's name to Israel and from his sons came the 12 tribes of Israel. Before Jacob and Esau were born, God had said, "Jacob I have loved and Esau I have hated." Romans 9:13. Jacob stole from Esau the blessing of the firstborn that their father Isaac was to give Esau on his deathbed. Rebekah, the mother of Esau and Jacob, helped Jacob to deceive their father Isaac. Read more »
You can do a deeper study on the book of Genesis - part two by clicking on the links beside each image.
Genesis - part two is the continuation of Genesis - part one. Starting with Jacob and his family, founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Towards the end the colorful story about the life of Joseph and how he saves his mother and father and brothers. Then ending with the death of Jacob and Joseph. Which leads on to the next section, the Life of Moses.
Jacob dreams about a ladder and angels at Bethel

Genesis 28:10-22. Jacob had a dream where angels were coming down from heaven and going back up on a ladder. God stood above the ladder and made many wonderful promises to Jacob about his descendants.
Bethel in Hebrew means: House of God
God said, "I will give you the land where you are at the moment."
God said to Jacob, "All peoples on the earth will be blessed through you and your offspring."
Has this promise made by God come to pass? The twelve sons that Jacob fathered have become the Jewish nation. Read more »
Laban meets Jacob

Genesis 29:1-14. Laban, the father of Rachel, was pleased to meet Jacob.
Laban made a deal with Jacob whereby Jacob had to work for Laban for 7 years in exchange for his daughter Rachel's hand in marriage. However, Laban substituted her older sister Leah instead and Jacob had to serve a further 7 years in order to marry Rachel.
Laban was a nomad. He and his family and servants lived in a number of tents.
They followed their sheep as they were moved from one feeding ground to the next.
Laban in Hebrew means: white, glorious. Read more »
Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban

Genesis 29:15-30. Rachel was the favorite wife of Jacob, who had been earlier tricked into marrying Rachel's older sister, Leah, after working for Laban for seven years as a contract for the marriage.
After discovering that he had been tricked, Jacob married Rachel also and then worked out another seven-year contract for this marriage. So Jacob served Laban fourteen years for his two daughters and six years for the cattle — a total of twenty years.
The Hebrew name of Rachel means ewe or beautiful.
Both Jacob and Laban, Rachel's father, were sheepherders. Read more »
Leah the older sister of Rachel

Genesis 29:23-35. The older sister of Rachel and first wife of Jacob. After working seven years for Laban in order to marry Rachel, Jacob was tricked by Laban into marrying Leah instead. In order to then marry Rachel, Jacob had to promise to work another seven years for Laban. The Hebrew meaning of Leah is languid, weary. Leah gave birth to six of Jacob's twelve sons, who became part of the twelve tribes of Israel. Dinah was recorded as the daughter of Leah. Background Reading: 29:1 Jacob journeyed on and reached the territory that belonged to the people who lived in the east. Read more »
Bilhah, the servant of Rachel

Genesis 29:29-30:8. Bilhah, the handmaid or servant of Rachel, had two sons, Dan and Naphtali, whose father was Jacob. It was the custom of those times, if the wife was barren, that another woman, a servant, would give birth to children for her. Bilhah was not from the family of Laban, but was a servant in the extended household. Her Hebrew name means: tender.
Background Reading: 29:29 Laban also gave his woman servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her maidservant. Read more »
Background Reading: 29:29 Laban also gave his woman servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her maidservant. Read more »
Zilpah, servant of Leah

Genesis 30:9-13. Zilpah, the handmaiden or servant of Leah, bore two sons to Jacob, named Asher and Gad. It was the custom of those times, if the wife was barren, then another woman, a servant, would bear children for her. Zilpah was not from the family of Laban, but was a servant in the extended household. Zilpah in Hebrew means: Drooping
Background Reading: 30:9 When Leah saw that she had stopped bearing children, she took her woman servant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife. 10 Leah’s servant Zilpah bore a son to Jacob, Read more »
Jacob had twelve sons

Genesis 29:31-30:24 and 35:23-26. Jacob had only eleven sons born to him before he left Laban in Paddan Aram e.g. Northern Euphrates (now eastern Turkey or northern Syria).
Benjamin was born to his wife Rachel later, Genesis 35:16-26.
These Twelve sons were to become the 12 tribes of Israel.
Leah also bore Jacob a daughter called Dinah. Later we find her involved in an unhappy event with the sons of Jacob. See Genesis 34:1-31.
Background Reading: 29:31 Later, the LORD noticed that Leah was being neglected, so he made her fertile, while Rachel remained Read more »
Background Reading: 29:31 Later, the LORD noticed that Leah was being neglected, so he made her fertile, while Rachel remained Read more »
Reuben finds some mandrakes for Leah

Genesis 30:14-18. The oldest son of Leah, Reuben, found some mandrakes. The roots of the plants were used to help women conceive. He found them in late spring - early summer, May-June, the time of Pentecost or Shavuot, which was when the wheat harvest was. There was sister rivalry for Jacob's affection between the two sisters Leah the older and Rachel the younger and much loved of Jacob. At this point, Leah had given Jacob four sons and was about to add one more, while Rachel was still barren, a great disgrace to a woman in this culture. Read more »
Jacob flees with his family from Laban

Genesis 31:1-55. Jacob and his family, including eleven sons, eventually fled from Laban.
Rachel stole from her father Laban's house some of his prized possessions, which she considered her right.
Laban was the father of Rachel and her sister, Leah.
Jacob had worked for for 14 years in exchange for obtaining Laban's two daughters as his wives.
Laban in Hebrew means: white, glorious. He was the son of Nahor and the brother of Rebekah.
Background Reading: 31:1 Now Jacob used to listen while Laban’s sons kept on complaining, “Jacob has taken over everything our Read more »
Background Reading: 31:1 Now Jacob used to listen while Laban’s sons kept on complaining, “Jacob has taken over everything our Read more »
Jacob prepares to meet Esau

Jacob prepares to meet Esau, his twin brother.
Esau was the elder son of Isaac and the twin brother of Jacob.
Jacob had stolen both the birthright of the eldest son and also the blessing that went with it. Esau had not forgiven Jacob for these acts.
Remember in all of this, God had said before they were born, Jacob I have loved and Esau I hate, Romans 9:10-13. Where else in the Bible does the name Esau or Edom appear and in what context. Background Reading: Genesis 32:1-12. Read more »

Genesis 34:1-31. Dinah, the daughter of Leah and the sister of Reuben and Levi and the other sons of Leah. Why Dinah went to visit other women outside her family group we will never know. The outcome was she was raped. Then the local young man wanted her for his wife the way things were done back then. Dinah's brothers sorted things out their own way. They were a rough tough wild bunch of brothers. Remember God had told Abraham not to intermarry with the local tribes.. Read more »
Esau’s descendants

Genesis 36:1-43. Esau’s family tree. Esau was the elder son of Isaac and the twin brother of Jacob.
Both had now become great men with much cattle and sheep and servants.
This family tree lists all the children who have Esau as their ancestor.
Esau was the ancestor of the Edomites. Look up in the Bible the problems they caused Israel over the years.
Background Reading: 36:1 This is a record of Esau’s genealogy, that is, of Edom. 2 Esau had married Canaanite women, Read more »
Background Reading: 36:1 This is a record of Esau’s genealogy, that is, of Edom. 2 Esau had married Canaanite women, Read more »
Joseph’s Dreams

Genesis 37:1-11. Joseph had a dream in which his mother, father, and brothers would bow down in front of him.
This came true when Joseph was 30 years old when the Pharaoh made him Second in Charge of Egypt.
Joseph in Hebrew means: May Yahweh add.
The fulfillment of the dream was when Jacob arrived in Egypt in a Cart.
Background Reading: 37:1 Jacob continued to live in the land they were occupying, where his father had journeyed in the territory of Read more »
Background Reading: 37:1 Jacob continued to live in the land they were occupying, where his father had journeyed in the territory of Read more »
Joseph is put down a well

Genesis 37:12-36. Joseph was put down a well by his half-brothers to keep him there until they sold him to the Midianite merchants, who then on-sold him to Egyptians as a slave. Joseph's brothers had meant to harm Joseph but God protected him as He wanted Joseph to be in Egypt so that he could one day save his family, in accordance with the dreams God had given Joseph. As Jacob had tricked his own father, Jacob's own sons tricked him. Joseph was about seventeen when he had his dreams and about thirty years of age when he started to be second in charge in Egypt, Read more »
Tamar and Judah

Genesis 38:1-30. Judah and Tamar - Judah’s life among the Adullamites. Tamar was originally the wife of Er, who was the eldest son of Judah. After the death of Er and then his brother Onan, Judah promised Tamar that she could marry the third son Shelah once he was grown. However, Judah did not keep his promise and Tamar eventually bore twins to Judah, one called Pharez (meaning breach in Hebrew) and the other called Zarah, which possibly means: sunrise. Pharez is in the family tree of Jesus the Messiah or Christ. Tamar's name in Hebrew means: palm tree. Read more »
Joseph runs from Potiphar’s Wife

Genesis 39:1-20. Joseph was so well-built and handsome that Potiphar's wife wanted to sleep with him, but Joseph said, "No."
Potiphar's wife had been trying many days to get Joseph to go to bed with her. In Joseph's mind if he did go and sleep with his master's wife this was sinning against God.
So Potiphar's wife got him alone one day and then told lies about Joseph so that he ended up in prison.
Joseph keeps true to God's word here as he kept true to God's word the rest of his life. Read more »
The Cup that held the wine for the King of Egypt

Genesis 40:1-23 and Genesis 41:1-13. Joseph told the butler, or cupbearer, what his dream meant.
He would be restored to his position as cupbearer for the King.
The cupbearer's job was to taste any drink that was given to the King to show that it was not poisoned.
Like a lot of people who have made a promises, the cupbearer did not keep this one.
Background Reading: 40:1 Some time later, both the senior security advisor to the king of Egypt and his head chef offended their master, Read more »
Background Reading: 40:1 Some time later, both the senior security advisor to the king of Egypt and his head chef offended their master, Read more »
The head chef to the King of Egypt

Genesis 40:1-4, 40:16-22 and 41:1-13. The head chef was in prison with Joseph. One night he had an important dream, which Joseph interpreted.
The dream was that in three days he would die.
The captain of the guard assigned them to Joseph, and he attended them. This is how Joseph got to meet the two of them in prison.
Daniel also interpreted dreams.
Background Reading: 40:1 Some time later, both the senior security advisor to the king of Egypt and his head chef offended their master, Read more »
Background Reading: 40:1 Some time later, both the senior security advisor to the king of Egypt and his head chef offended their master, Read more »
Joseph’s brothers’ first trip to Egypt for food

Genesis 42:1-38. Ten of Joseph's brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt. But Jacob, whose other name was Israel, did not send Benjamin, Joseph's brother, with the others, because he was afraid that harm might come to him. So Israel's sons were among those who went to buy grain, for the famine was in the land of Canaan also.
Joseph was now in charge of selling the grain and food. Charged the ten brothers as spies.
Joseph ordered that they bring their youngest brother to him and kept Simeon as a prisoner. Joseph then sent them back to Canaan and Joseph had his servants Read more »
The Second Journey to Egypt

Genesis 43:1-34. Now the famine was still severe in the land. So, when they had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, their father said to them, "Go back and buy us a little more food." This time they brought double the sliver and gifts from their homeland. Joseph had the upper hand and all he wanted at this time was to see his younger brother Benjamin and then his father Jacob. This time Joseph gave them a feast and then sent sent them on their way. Click on "next page" to see what then happened. Read more »
A silver cup belonging to Joseph was put in a Sack

Genesis 44:1-34. The silver cup belonging to Joseph was put in one of the packs of food as the brothers left for Canaan, which was where they lived with their father and their respective mothers.
Joseph did this to create a situation whereby his brothers would have to leave their youngest brother, Benjamin, behind. Benjamin was Joseph's full brother, as they both had the same mother, Rachel. Although they all had the same father, all the others were Joseph and Benjamin's half—brothers, because they had different mothers.
After Joseph had revealed himself to his brothers, Read more »
Jacob moves to Egypt in a cart

Genesis 46:1-47:12. Jacob traveled to Egypt in a cart with all his family, his servants and animals.
The cart was supplied by his son Joseph, who now was second to the Pharaoh of Egypt.
If Joseph had not been sold into slavery all those many years ago, God could not have used him to save his family.
God promised Jacob - You will go in few and come out many. To see if this happened look up the life of Moses.
Background Reading: 46:1 Later, Israel began his journey, taking along everything that he owned, and arrived at Beer-sheba, Read more »
Background Reading: 46:1 Later, Israel began his journey, taking along everything that he owned, and arrived at Beer-sheba, Read more »
Two Sons of Joseph

Genesis 47:28-48:1-22. Jacob, as he was about to die, blessed Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
The blessing that Jacob gave Joseph was that Joseph's two sons would become his sons. This is why they are considered as part of the twelve sons of Jacob or his God-given name Israel.
Jacob put Ephraim the younger ahead of Manasseh the firstborn. And said the younger will become greater than the older. How often we have seen this in the Bible, where God put the younger in front of the firstborn. Try to name where this has happened, including with twin boys. Read more »
Manasseh, Joseph’s older son

Genesis 48:1-22 and 49:22-26. Manasseh was the older brother of Ephraim, who were both sons of Joseph and Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On.
When Jacob, who was renamed Israel by God, was on his deathbed, he blessed Manasseh and gave him the status of one of his sons.
Manasseh as the firstborn should have had the double blessing, but it went to his younger brother Ephraim, when Jacob blessed them and instated them as his own sons.
Manasseh in Hebrew means: causing to forget. Read more »
Ephraim, Joseph’s younger son

Genesis 48:1-22 and 49:22-28. Ephraim was the younger son of Joseph. When Jacob, who was renamed Israel by God, was on his deathbed, he blessed Ephraim and gave him the status of one of his sons. Even though Ephraim was the younger of Joseph's sons, Jacob prophesied that he would become greater than his older brother, Manasseh. Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph, got the blessing of the firstborn from Jacob, rather than Manasseh who was the firstborn. Ephraim in Hebrew means: Double fruitfulness. Read more »
12 sons of Jacob whom he blesses before he dies

Genesis 49:1-28. 1. Reuben: the name means see a son - Whose mother was Leah.
2. Simeon: the name means one who hears - Whose mother was Leah.
3. Levi: the name means attached - Whose mother was Leah.
4. Judah: the name means praise - Whose mother was Leah.
5. Issachar: the name means for reward - Whose mother was Leah.
6. Zebulun: the name means honor - Whose mother was Leah.
7. Gad: the name means a troop is coming - Whose mother was Zilpah Leah's maid.
8. Asher: the name means happy - Whose mother was Zilpah Leah's maid. Read more »
Death of Jacob at one hundred and forty-seven years old

Genesis 49:29-33. Jacob, as he was about to die, blessed his 12 Sons. Jacob 2005BC-1885BC, lived 147 years. He had married both Leah and Rachel, who were sisters. He had 12 sons and at least one daughter. Jacob was the younger brother of Esau. Jacob in Hebrew means: the supplanter. Then, after an encounter with God, his character and attitude were transformed and this included a name change to Israel, which means in Hebrew The Prince of God. Background Reading: 49:29 In his last words, Jacob issued this set of instructions to them all: “I’m about to join our ancestors. Read more »
Death of Joseph at one hundred and ten years old

Genesis 50:22-26. Joseph was the one whose dreams from God came true. He was also able to interpret other people's dreams.
Joseph was 30 years old when the Pharaoh of Egypt made him Second in Charge.
He died at one hundred and ten years old in Egypt. His bones were taken back to the land of his birth when Moses lead the people out of Egypt about 400 years later. Exodus 13:19.
Joseph looked after his brothers and their families even after his brothers tried to harm him when he was still a teenager. Joseph was a still a very powerful man in Egypt. Read more »
300-year gap between Joseph and Moses

Genesis 50:22-Exodus 1:22. There is a gap of 300 years between the end of Genesis and the start of the Life of Moses in the book of Exodus. Actually, the gap is between Exodus verse 7-10 of Exodus chapter one. Genesis in Hebrew means: beginnings. Exodus in Hebrew means: exit or departure. Background Reading: 50:22 Joseph continued to live in Egypt, along with his father’s household, until he was 110 years old. 23 Joseph saw the third generation of Ephraim’s children, as well as the children who had been born to Manasseh’s son Machir, whom he adopted as his own. Read more »
Questions and Answers 1-15

1. Who stole Esau’s blessing?
2. Who had a dream about a ladder and angels?
3. Who married Rachel the daughter of Laban ?
4. Who was the father of Rachel?
5. Who did Leah marry?
6. Who did Bilhah serve?
7. Who was the servant of Leah?
8. How many sons did Jacob have?
9. Who found some mandrakes for his mother?
10. Who did Jacob and his family flee from?
11. Who does Jacob prepares to meet?
12. Who is Dinah the daughter of?
13. What is recorded in the Bible in Genesis chapter 36?
14. Who had two dreams?
15. Who was put down a well?
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Questions and Answers 16-30

16. Did Tamar marry Judah?
17. Who did Joseph run away from?
18. What did Joseph say to the cupbearer of the King of Egypt?
19. What did Joseph say to the chief Baker of the king of Egypt?
20. How many of Joseph’s brothers made the first trip to Egypt for food?
21. Why did Joseph’s brothers make a second trip to Egypt?
22. Which sack did Joseph ask his silver cup to be put into?
23. Who moved to Egypt in a cart?
24. Name the sons who were born to Joseph?
25. Name the younger brother of Manasseh?
26. Ephraim in Hebrew means?
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Life of Moses » »

First of 60 images and comments covering the Life of Moses – as found in reading these books – Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Moses is found in many other places than these five books. By reading and looking at the 60 images you can learn about many of the events in the Life of Moses. These include being found in a small boat in the River Nile, meeting God in the desert, leading the people of Israel for 40 years, and making water come from a rock under God's guidance. Continue to the Life of Moses » »
Timeline for the book of Genesis parts one and two »

Creation to the death of Joseph as found in the book of Genesis (approximately 5-7 A4 pages of notes.) Undated Past untill 1800BC Including a number of events, Creation, the first man and woman, Seth, Enoch, the Tower of Babel, Abram and Sarah, the birth of Isaac, the birth of the twins Esau and Jacob, Abraham's interaction with a number of Kings, the twelve sons of Jacob, the move of Jacob and family to Egypt, Joseph becomes second most powerful man in Egypt and finishing with the death of Joseph. Genesis »
Resources – Genesis Part Two

BOOKS: The Sequence of Events of the Old Testament - Shlma Eliezer Pub MOD Israel Publishing House Distributed by the "Jerusalem Post" ISBN -965-05 797. 1984. The Macmillan Bible Atlas - Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings - Dr. Edwin Thiele Pater Noster press 1951. Timelines of the Western Church Susan Lynn Paterson 1999 Zondervan. Great Events of The Bible Times - James Harper Edition Marshall Editions LTD 1987 ISBN 0-297-79068-4.
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You can do a deeper study on the book of Genesis - part two by clicking on the links beside each image.
Genesis - part two is the continuation of Genesis - part one. Starting with Jacob and his family, founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Towards the end the colorful story about the life of Joseph and how he saves his mother and father and brothers. Then ending with the death of Jacob and Joseph. Which leads on to the next section, the Life of Moses.