耶稣是信心的源头和赐予者, 路加福音 1:1-2:52 – The author and giver of all faith-Jesus, Luke 1:1-2:52

The author and giver of all faith-Jesus

Jesus’ purpose was to die on the cross and to be raised to life again.

to allow us access to His Father GOD.


路加福音 Luke

耶稣-一个影响许多人的人 Jesus the man who influenced many

旧约圣经有关的经文: Old Testament bible references:
例如:创世纪 1:1-,以赛亚等 e.g. Genesis 1:1-, Isaiah etc

新约圣经有关的经文: 马可福音,路加福音,约翰福音,启示录等。
New Testament bible references: Mark, Luke, John, Revelation etc.
请参阅这许多单元如:耶稣的出生 or 使徒行传第一部分 or 启示录第一部分
Look at many of these modules Birth of Jesus or Acts part one or The book Revelation- part one

在本单位其他模块: - Other modules in this unit: