过红海,希伯来书 11:24 – Crossing the Red Sea, Hebrews 11:24

The event of crossing of the Red Sea is history.

Were they crossed is a interesting point:
One commentator suggests it was across a 13km path in the Gulf of Akaba.
An arm of the Red Sea so they could enter Midian (Arabia) and Mt Sinai.
This commentator also claims Mt Sinai is in Arabia and is where Moses saw the burning bush.




他 们 因 着 信 , 过 红 海 如 行 干 地 。 埃 及 人 试 着 要 过 去 , 就 被 吞 灭 了 。
希伯来书 11:29

11:29 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.
Hebrews 11:29

过红海 Crossing the Red Sea

过红海 – 出埃及记 14:1-31

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