Background Information: 400 YEARS:
Background Notes And Study Material Page
Other slides in this module:
- Start of the 400 Year gap between Malachi and Jesus
- Alexander the Great
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Hasmonean Dynasty. This family stayed faithful to God
- Temple built by Zerubbabel is purified and rededicated
- High Priest
- High Priest – John Hyrcanus II
- Roman Soldier
- King Herod the Great
- Temple Built By King Herod the Great
- End of the 400 Year gap between Malachi and Jesus
- John the Baptist suffered wearing sheepskins
- The Angel Gabriel Talks To Mary
- Jesus A Newly Born Baby
- Jesus the Man
- The death of Jesus on the cross
- Jesus is coming from the cloud
- Questions and Answers 1-17
- Next Module – The Birth of Jesus » »
- Time Line for 400 years
- Background Information: 400 Years
- Resources: 400 Years