King Herod started to build his temple in 20BC by tearing down the Temple in the city of David that Zerubbabel had built in 516BC. The new Temple took 46 years to rebuild. It was finished about AD25. See John 2:20.
So it was basically a new building at the start of Jesus’ ministry and was in the process of being built when he was presented as a baby and when he went for a visit as a twelve-year-old and listened talked with the elders and teachers who taught at the Temple in Jerusalem.
King Herod the Great had a fetish for building things; he completed many projects including a port from which Paul and Barabbas set sail on Paul’s first missionary trip. The temple in Jerusalem was the focus of all Jewish worship and customs as ordained by God.
More Information:
So it was basically a new building at the start of Jesus’ ministry and was in the process of being built when He was presented as a baby and also when he went for a visit as a twelve-year-old.
Herod the Great tore down the Temple in the city of David that Zerubbabel had built and put up a grander one. He started in 20BC and the Temple was finished in AD25.
Other slides in this module:
- Start of the 400 Year gap between Malachi and Jesus
- Alexander the Great
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Hasmonean Dynasty. This family stayed faithful to God
- Temple built by Zerubbabel is purified and rededicated
- High Priest
- High Priest – John Hyrcanus II
- Roman Soldier
- King Herod the Great
- Temple Built By King Herod the Great
- End of the 400 Year gap between Malachi and Jesus
- John the Baptist suffered wearing sheepskins
- The Angel Gabriel Talks To Mary
- Jesus A Newly Born Baby
- Jesus the Man
- The death of Jesus on the cross
- Jesus is coming from the cloud
- Questions and Answers 1-17
- Next Module – The Birth of Jesus » »
- Time Line for 400 years
- Background Information: 400 Years
- Resources: 400 Years