雅各书是新约最早写成的书,使徒行传 1:1-5:20 – The Book of James first New Testament book, Acts 1:1-5:20

Some say that the first New Testament book was written about AD45-AD50 by James the half-bother of Jesus, others that the first book is Matthew, written about AD37.
In the order of the Bible Matthew is the First New Testament book. The book of James is with Peter’s, John’s and Jude’s letters near the back of the New Testament.


使徒行传 1:1-5:20 James 1:1-5:20

雅各书 The book of James

雅各书 使徒行传 1:1-5:20
The book of James 1:1-5:20


The book of James is with Peter’s, John’s and Jude’s letters near the back of the New Testament.

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