Resources – Birth of Jesus

- Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ by Harold W. Hoehner – Zondervan 1977 Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 130 and131, Doctoral Dissertation 1964 Revived 1972 Dallas Theological Seminary.
- A Harmony of the Gospels and Analytical out line of the Harmony by A T Robertson 1922 renewed 1950 Harper & Row Publishers.
- Synopsis of the Four Gospels by Kurt Aland – United Bible Societies ISBN3-43805405-1 6th Ed 1983.
- Synopsis of the First Three Gospels – Basil Blackwell – Oxford 1963.
- The Life and Time of Jesus the Messiah Volume 2 by Alfred Edershem 1901.
- The Sequence of Events of the Old Testament by Shlma Eliezer Pub MOD Israel. Publishing House Distributed By the “Jerusalem Post” ISBN -965-05 797? 1984.
- The Macmillan Bible Atlas – Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah.
- The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings by Dr Edwin Thiele: Paternoster press 1951
- Young’s Analytical Concordance.
- Chronological and background of New Testament Pub by Zondervan
- Time lines of the western church – Susan Lynn Paterson 1999 Publishers Zondervan.
- Birth of Jesus – StarBooks.
- First Christmas the True and Unfamiliar story by Paul L Maier The Alden press A R Mowbray ISBN 0-264-64600-2 C1971
- Great Events of The Bible Times ed by James Harper Edition Marshall Editions LTD 1987 ISBN 0-297-79068-4
- Clarke’s Commentary
- The Gospel of Luke by William Barclay
Other slides in this module:
A Pictorial explanation of the Bible