This timeline created for bibleview.org is in 17 sections. Each section covers a different part of the timeline from undated past to the year 2017.
1. Undated Past until 1800BC including the book of Genesis [Approximately 7 A4 pages of notes if printed.]
2. 1800BC-1400BC The life of Moses as found in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. [Approximately 7 A4 pages of notes if printed.]
3. 1400BC-900BC The period of the Judges cover. The books in the Bible called Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Samuel. [Approximately 6 A4 pages of notes.]
4. 1043BC-931BC Approximately [2 A4 pages of notes if printed.] Other timelines »
Other slides in this module:
- The angel Gabriel spoke to Mary about the birth of Jesus
- Mary got a visit from the angel Gabriel
- Elizabeth got a visit from Mary
- Mary offered a hymn of praise to God
- An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream
- Joseph goes to Bethlehem
- Mary traveled with Joseph on a donkey
- Jesus a newly born baby
- Shepherds keeping watch
- Angels praised God for the birth of Jesus
- Jesus at 40 days old was taken to the Temple
- Simeon blesses Jesus
- Anna the Prophetess
- Magi traveled from the East to find Jesus
- The visit of the Magi to King Herod
- Magi followed the star to a house
- Jesus as a child in a house
- Joseph takes Jesus and escapes to Egypt
- King Herod the Great plans how to kill Jesus
- The return from Egypt to Nazareth
- Jesus about twelve years old
- The cross is still to come
- Questions and Answers 1-11
- Questions and Answers 12-23
- Timeline for Birth of Jesus – The Christmas Story
- Timelines
- Background Information – Birth of Jesus – The Christmas Story
- Resources – Birth of Jesus
- Next Module – Ministry of Jesus » »