Genesis 50:22-Exodus 1:22. There is a gap of 300 years between the end of Genesis and the start of the Life of Moses in the book of Exodus.
Actually, the gap is between Exodus chapter one and verses 7 and verse 10.
Genesis in Hebrew means: beginnings.
Exodus in Hebrew means: exit or departure.
Background Reading:
300 Years
A gap of 300 years between the end of Genesis and Exodus.
The Death and Burial of Joseph
50:22 Joseph continued to live in Egypt, along with his father’s household, until he was 110 years old. 23 Joseph saw the third generation of Ephraim’s children, as well as the children who had been born to Manasseh’s son Machir, whom he adopted as his own. 24 Later, Joseph told his brothers, “I’m going to die soon, but God will certainly provide for you and bring you up from this land to the land that he promised with an oath to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” 25So Joseph made all of Israel’s other children make this promise: “Because God is certainly going to take care of you, you are to carry my bones up from here.”
26 Some time later, Joseph died at the age of 110 years, and he was embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt.
Genesis 50:22-26
The Israelites Oppressed but Prosper in Egypt
1:1 These are the names of the Israelis who entered Egypt with Jacob, each one having come with his family: 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, 3 Issacar, Zebulun, Benjamin, 4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. 5 All those who descended from Jacob totaled 75 persons. Now Joseph was already in Egypt. 6 Then Joseph, all his brothers, and that entire generation died. 7 But the Israelis were fruitful and increased abundantly. They multiplied in numbers and became very, very strong. As a result, the land was filled with them.
The Israelis Become Slaves
8 Eventually a new king who was unacquainted with Joseph came to power in Egypt. 9 He told his people, “Look, the Israeli people are more numerous and more powerful than we are. 10 Come on, let’s be careful how we treat them, so that when they grow numerous, if a war breaks out they won’t join our enemies, fight against us, and leave our land.” 11 So the Egyptians placed supervisors over them, oppressing them with heavy burdens. The Israelis built the supply cities of Pithom and Rameses for Pharaoh. 12 But the more the Egyptians afflicted the Israelis, the more they multiplied and flourished, so that the Egyptian became terrified of the Israelis. 13 The Egyptians ruthlessly forced the Israelis to serve them, 14 making their lives bitter through hard labor with mortar, bricks, and all kinds of outdoor labor. They ruthlessly imposed all this work on them.
Pharaoh Orders Male Children Killed
15 Later, the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah. 116 “When you help the Hebrew women give birth,” he said, “watch them as they deliver. If it’s a son, kill him; but if it’s a daughter, let her live.” 17 But the midwives feared God and didn’t do what the king of Egypt told them. Instead, they let the boys live.
18 When the king of Egypt called for the midwives, he asked them, “Why have you done this and allowed the boys to live?”
19 “Hebrew women aren’t like Egyptian women,” the midwives replied to Pharaoh. “They’re so healthy that they give birth before the midwives arrive to help them.”
20 God was pleased with the midwives, and the people multiplied and became very strong. 21 Because the midwives feared God, he provided families for them. 22 Meanwhile, Pharaoh continued commanding all of his people, “You’re to throw every Hebrews son who is born into the Nile River, but you’re to allow every Hebrew daughter to live.”
Exodus 1:1-22
Other slides in this module:
- In the beginning, God created the earth – Undated Past
- The 7 or Seven Days of Creation – Undated Past
- Adam was the first created man specifically named in Scripture
- Eve the first woman specifically named in Scripture
- Cain the first human murderer and older brother of Abel
- Abel a righteous man
- Enoch did not die,
- 1100 Years gap Between Adam and Noah
- Noah built an ark with God’s instructions
- Noah builds an Ark for God
- 400-year gap between Noah and Abraham
- Abraham the father of nations
- Sarah was the wife of Abraham
- Rebekah married Isaac
- Esau the son of Isaac
- Jacob steals Isaac’s blessing
- Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban
- Death of Joseph at one hundred and ten years old
- 300-year gap between Joseph and Moses
- Miriam kept eye on Moses after he had been placed as a baby in a boat
- God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush
- Moses was asked to take off his sandals by God
- Moses the friend of God
- Manna means ‘What Is It’?
- Water From The Rock
- Moses at Mount Sinai
- The Golden Calf the idol made by Aaron
- Speak to the Rock “Give Water”
- Joshua God’s warrior
- The two scouts or spies were Joshua’s eyes
- Rahab helped Israel to take Jericho
- Rahab saved from death
- Deborah the 4th Judge of Israel
- Gideon the fifth Judge of Israel
- Ruth, the great-grandmother of King David
- Samson the 14th Judge of Israel
- Samuel the fifteen Judge of Israel anoints Saul
- King Saul tries to kill David with a spear
- David uses his slingshot
- King Solomon’s reign established
- King Rehoboam 1st king of Judah
- Jonah a Prophet of God and the Whale
- Isaiah the prophet (739BC-690BC) wrote the book Isaiah
- Jeremiah the prophet of God is put down a well
- Daniel in the Lions Den
- Esther becomes the Queen of Persia
- Nehemiah rebuilds the walls
- Malachi a prophet of God
- 400-year gap, The gap between Malachi and Jesus
- Angel Gabriel God’s Messenger
- The cross a Roman method of killing people
- Jesus – The author and giver of all faith
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 1-11
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 12-22
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 23-32
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 33-42
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 43-52
- Next Module – Back to the beginning The Book of Genesis » »