Exodus 16:1-36. Manna was a sweet gum or resin type of bread that God supernaturally sent from Heaven to feed His people.
Manna in Hebrew means: what is it.
Manna started on the sixteenth day of the second month after they had come out of Egypt and they ate manna until they reached the border of Canaan.
Manna lasted only for one day other on the sixth day it lasted for two days as the seventh day was a holy rest day.
Background Reading:
Manna [What is it] and Quail Provided by God
16:1 Later, they left Elim, and the whole congregation of the Israelis came to the desert of Sin, which lay between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from the land of Egypt. 2 The whole congregation of the Israelis complained against Moses and Aaron in the desert. 3 The Israelis told them, “If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in the land of Egypt when we sat by the cooking pots, when we ate bread until we were filled—because you brought us to this desert to kill this entire congregation with hunger.”
4 The LORD told Moses, “Listen very carefully! I’ll cause food to rain down for you from heaven, and the people are to go out and gather each day’s portion on that day. In this way I’ll test them to demonstrate whether or not they’ll live according to my instructions. 5 On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be double what they gather on other days.”
6 So Moses and Aaron addressed the entire congregation of the Israelis: “This evening you will know that the LORD has brought you out of the land of Egypt, 7 and in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, because he has heard your complaints against him. After all, who are we that you complain against us?” 8 Moses also said, “When the LORD gives you meat to eat in the evening, and bread in the morning to satisfy you, the LORD will hear your complaints directed against him. Who are we? Your complaints aren’t against us, but rather against the LORD.”
9 Then Moses instructed Aaron, “Say to the whole congregation of the Israelis, ‘Come near into the LORD’s presence, because he has heard your complaints.’”
10 While Aaron was speaking to all the congregation of the Israelis, they turned toward the desert, and there the glory of the LORD was seen in the cloud. 11 The LORD told Moses, 12 “I’ve heard the complaints of the Israelis. Tell them, ‘At twilight you are to eat meat and in the morning you are to be filled with bread, so you may know that I am the LORD your God.’”
13 Later that evening quail came up and covered the camp, and then in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. 14 When the layer of dew evaporated, on the surface of the desert a fine flaky substance, as fine as frost, appeared on the ground. 15 When the Israelis saw it, they asked one another, “What is it?”, because they did not know what it was.
Moses told them, “It’s the food that the LORD has given you to eat. 16 This is what the LORD has commanded: ‘You are to gather from it what each person is to eat, about one omer per person according to the number of your people, and one person is to gather for everyone in his tent.’”
17 The Israelis did this, some gathering much, some little. 18 When they measured it with a vessel the capacity of which was one omer, the one who gathered much did not have an excess, while the one who gathered little did not lack. They gathered exactly what each needed to eat.
19 Then Moses told them, “No one is to leave any of it until morning.” 20 But they did not listen to Moses—some people left part of it until morning, and it produced maggots and smelled bad, so Moses got angry at them. 21 Every morning they gathered it, according to what each needed to eat; and when the sun became hot, it melted.
22 On the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, about two omers per person. Then all the leaders of the congregation came and reported to Moses, 23 and he told them, “This is what the LORD said: ‘Tomorrow is a Sabbath observance, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. Bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil, and put aside whatever remains to be kept for yourselves until morning.’” 24 So they put it away until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not smell bad, and there were no maggots in it. 25 Moses said, “Eat it today, since today is a Sabbath to the LORD, and today you won’t find it in the field. 26 For six days you are to gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there won’t be any.”
27 Nevertheless, that seventh day some of the people went out to gather, but they did not find any. 28 Then the LORD asked Moses, “How long will you people refuse to keep my commandments and my instructions? 29 You see that the LORD has given you the Sabbath, and so on the sixth day he gives you food for two days. Let each person stay where he is; let no one leave his place on the seventh day.” 30 So the people rested on the seventh day.
31 The Israelis named it “manna”. It was white like coriander seed, and tasted like a wafer made with honey. 32 Moses said, “This is what the LORD has commanded: ‘Set aside one omer of it for future generations, so that they may see the food with which I fed you in the desert when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.’”
33 Then Moses told Aaron, “Take a jar, fill it with about one omer of manna, and place it in the LORD’s presence, to be preserved throughout future generations.” 34 So Aaron placed it before the Testimony to be kept, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. 35 The Israelis ate manna for 40 years until they came to a land where they could settle. They ate manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan. 36 Now one omer is a tenth of an ephah.
Exodus 16:1-36
Other slides in this module:
- In the beginning, God created the earth – Undated Past
- The 7 or Seven Days of Creation – Undated Past
- Adam was the first created man specifically named in Scripture
- Eve the first woman specifically named in Scripture
- Cain the first human murderer and older brother of Abel
- Abel a righteous man
- Enoch did not die,
- 1100 Years gap Between Adam and Noah
- Noah built an ark with God’s instructions
- Noah builds an Ark for God
- 400-year gap between Noah and Abraham
- Abraham the father of nations
- Sarah was the wife of Abraham
- Rebekah married Isaac
- Esau the son of Isaac
- Jacob steals Isaac’s blessing
- Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban
- Death of Joseph at one hundred and ten years old
- 300-year gap between Joseph and Moses
- Miriam kept eye on Moses after he had been placed as a baby in a boat
- God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush
- Moses was asked to take off his sandals by God
- Moses the friend of God
- Manna means ‘What Is It’?
- Water From The Rock
- Moses at Mount Sinai
- The Golden Calf the idol made by Aaron
- Speak to the Rock “Give Water”
- Joshua God’s warrior
- The two scouts or spies were Joshua’s eyes
- Rahab helped Israel to take Jericho
- Rahab saved from death
- Deborah the 4th Judge of Israel
- Gideon the fifth Judge of Israel
- Ruth, the great-grandmother of King David
- Samson the 14th Judge of Israel
- Samuel the fifteen Judge of Israel anoints Saul
- King Saul tries to kill David with a spear
- David uses his slingshot
- King Solomon’s reign established
- King Rehoboam 1st king of Judah
- Jonah a Prophet of God and the Whale
- Isaiah the prophet (739BC-690BC) wrote the book Isaiah
- Jeremiah the prophet of God is put down a well
- Daniel in the Lions Den
- Esther becomes the Queen of Persia
- Nehemiah rebuilds the walls
- Malachi a prophet of God
- 400-year gap, The gap between Malachi and Jesus
- Angel Gabriel God’s Messenger
- The cross a Roman method of killing people
- Jesus – The author and giver of all faith
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 1-11
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 12-22
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 23-32
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 33-42
- Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 43-52
- Next Module – Back to the beginning The Book of Genesis » »