TIME LINE from 400BC to AD10

Approximately 4 A4 pages from 400BC-AD10 set up so you can print them.
End of the writing of books Malachi and Ezra 400BC TO THE MESSIAH 12BC – 3BC.
Please enjoy looking at this table of contents as much as we did in making it.
WORLD/SECULAR HISTORY | year/month/day | Christian History and Jewish History |
Historical events in Politics and Business | Events and history that happened in both faiths | |
including Christian & Jewish people | ||
End of the writing of books Malachi and Ezra 400BC | ||
458-445BC | Ezra | |
430-415BC | Joiada High Priest | |
Darius 11 Nothos – king of the Persian Empire | 423-404BC | |
Persian Period | 420-330BC | |
Lgimouns | 420BC | |
410-408BC | Johanan High Priest | |
Bigvais (Bagoas) Governor of Judah | 410-408 | |
408-???BC | Jaddua High Priest | |
Artaxerxes II Mnemon | 404–359BC | |
Egyptian revolt against PERSIA | 404-341 BC | |
Revolt of Cyrus | 404BC | |
Battle of Cunaxa – Persia between 2 brothers | 401BC | |
Xenophon’s Anabasis | 401?BC | |
The march of the 10,000 told by Xenophon, in his book “The Persian Expedition”. | 401-400BC | |
Greeks invent lead sling shot that went twice as far as stone sling shot | 400BC | |
God does not speak for about 400 years | 400BC | 400 years |
400BC | 400 years period before the start of the Gospels | |
Political Chaos amongst the Greeks. The rise of Macedonia and its king Philip. Plato sets up the Academy and teaches through until around 347 BC. Aristotle, his pupil teaches from around 350 – 320 BC. Aristotle founds the Lyceum. He tutors a young Alexander of Macedon. |
400-339BC | |
397BC | Malachi writes his prophetic word and the Old Testament is complete. | |
Egyptian 28-30th dynasties | ||
The Celts invade Italy and sack Rome. Rome rebuilds its army and city walls. | 390BC | |
Artaxerxes III Ochus | 359-338BC | |
Greece LANGUAGE | ||
Philip II of Macedon conquers Greece | 338BC | |
Victory of Philip over Athens | 338BC | |
Alexander the Great | 336-323BC | |
Philip is murdered, Alexander the Great takes charge and leads the Greeks. The invasion of the Persian Empire begins by Alexander the Great. |
336BC | |
Zeno | 336-264BC | |
Alexander’s attack on Persia | 334BC | |
Battle of Granicus | 334BC | |
Tyre falls in exactly the way that the prophet Ezekiel said it would. Ezekiel 26. The Jews welcome Alexander the Great into Jerusalem, and many join him. They read the prophecies of Daniel to him. Daniel 2:31-39, 8:5-7, 20-21. |
333BC | |
Conquered by Alexander | 333BC | |
Battle of Issus | 333BC | |
Fall of Tyre | 332BC | |
Alexander the Great in 21st September 331BC under the cover of a lunar eclipse, took his | 331BC | |
army across the Tigris River and Conquered the Persian army | 331BC | |
Alexander the Great conquers Palestine | 330BC | |
At 25 he became the “Emperor of the world” | ||
Alexander died His Kingdom was divided in a 3 way split | ||
Death of Alexander the Great | 323BC | |
Control of Judah by Ptolemy I | 323-285BC | |
Aratus of Soll | 315-240BC | |
Begining of Seleucid Era | 311BC | |
Battle of Ipsus | 301BC | |
Hellenistic Period: under Egypt (Ptolemies) | 330-200BC | |
Cleanthes the Stoic | 300–220BC | |
First Syrian war | 276-273BC | |
Aratus – Epicureans | circa 270BC | |
Second Syrian war | 260-255BC | |
250BC | LXX or Septuagint Translation begun (Greek translation in Alexandria) | |
Third Syrian war | 246-241BC | |
Antiochus 111 – 6th ruler of the Seleucid Empire | 223-187BC | |
Qin Empire (China) | 221-206BC | |
Antiochus III driven from Egypt: defeated at Raphia by Ptolemy IV | 217BC | |
Han Empire (China) | 206BC-AD220 | |
Capture of Jeruslem by Antiochus III | 203BC | |
Under Syria (Seleucids) | 200BC-166BC | |
Overrun by Antiganus | ???BC | |
Over run by Ptolemyl | ||
Conquered by Ptolemy | ||
220-190BC | High Priest – Simon II the Just | |
Polybius | 208-126BC | |
Rosetta Stone achievements of Ptolemy V of Egypt | 204-181BC | |
200BC-AD10 | Dead Sea Scrolls | |
Antiochis III’s defeat of Egypt at the battle of Panium and control of Palestine | 198BC | |
190-174BC | High Priest – Onias III | |
Seleucids driven from Asia Minor by the Romans | 188BC | |
Syro-Palestine ruled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes | 175-163BC | |
175-172BC | High Priest – Jason/Jeshua | |
Antiochus IV Epiphanes | 175-167BC | |
172-162BC | High Priest – Menelaus | |
Jerusalem made a Hellenistic city | 172BC | |
170BC-37BC | Hasmonean Dynasty, This family stayed faithful to God. Maccabee the son of Hammer, was one of the sons, | |
170BC-37BC | Hasmonean Dynasty | |
Hasmonean – Family name of the Jews who lead the revolt. Judas Hasmoean nick name was Maccabees the son of Hammer | ||
Maccabees – nick name given to Judas Hamonean, later extended to his family and party | ||
Antiochus IV forced by Rome to withdraw from Egypt | 168BC | |
Antiochus’s attack on Jeruslem and persecution of the Jews | 168BC | |
Antiochus IV Epiphanes a Seleucids. Defiled the temple | 167BC | |
167-160BC | Judas Maaccabeus Leads the Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule | |
Israel – HOPES | ||
166BC-63BC | Under Jewish rule (Hasmoneans) | |
166BC | Death of Mattathias Hasmonean | |
164BC | Temple purified 14 December 164 BC | |
Death of Antiochus | 163BC | |
Judas’s siege of Syrian garrison in Jerusalem | 163-162BC | |
162-156BC | High Priest – Alcimus | |
161BC | Death of Judas (Maccabeus) Hasmonean | |
156-142BC | High Priest – Jonathan | |
142BC | Death of Jonathan Hasmonean | |
142-135BC | High Priest – Simon, | |
Syria’s loss of political control over Judea | 142BC | |
Jewish independance gained | 142BC | |
Judean independance recognized by Rome senate | 139BC | |
135BC | Death of Simon Hasmonean | |
135BC | Emergence of the Pharisees and the Sadducees for the first time | |
135-104BC | High Priest – John Hyrcanus 1 | |
135BC-AD66 | Qumran Community | |
John Hyrcanus’s succession to Simon | 135-105BC | |
109-108BC | Destruction of the Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim by John Hyrcanus | |
104-103BC | High Priest – Aristobulus I | |
103-76BC | High Priest – Alexander Jannaeus | |
85?BC | Beginning of Qumrum Community, “The Teacher of Righteousness” Dead sea Scrolls | |
76-67BC | High Priest – Hyrcanus II | |
Pharisees in power | ||
Cleopatra VII [queen] – last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt | 69BC-30BC | |
67-63BC | High Priest – Aristobulus II | |
67-63BC | Civil war between Aristobulus II and Hyrcanus II in Judea | |
Roman rule | 63BC-AD500 | |
Roman army under Roman General Pompey conquers Judea and Jerusalem | 63BC | |
400BC-AD70 | From 400BC to the fall of Jerusalem in AD70 there was a Jewish High Priest | |
63BC-40BC | High Priest – Hyrcanus II | |
Pompey’s conquering of Jeruslem | 63BC | |
Hyrcanus installed as ruler | 63BC | |
Roman rule — ROADS | 49BC-AD??? | |
New Year starts on January 1st for first time, with new Roman calendar | 47BC | |
Antipater procurator of Judea | 47BC | |
Battle of the Nile | 47BC | |
Herod governor of Galilee | 47BC | |
Roman Soldier | ||
Julius Caesar assassinated | 44BC | |
Invasion of Syria and Palestine by the Parthians | 40BC | |
King Herod crowned king of the Jews | 40BC | |
King Herod the Great starts his rule | 40BC | |
40-37BC | High Priest – Antigonus | |
Herod the Great begins ruling Judea | 37BC | |
37-36BC | High Priest – Ananel, (Appointed by Herod the Great) | |
Parthains driven out; King Herod’s assumption of the kingdom | 37-34BC | |
Augustus Caesar- 1st emperor of the Roman Empire | 31BC-AD14 | |
Egypt becomes the property of the Roman Emperor, under a prefect | 30BC | |
Cleopatra of Egypt dies | ||
30BC-AD10 | Hillel Chief Priest | |
Augustus becomes Emperor of Rome | 27BC | |
22-5BC | High Priest – Simon, son of Boethus | |
Herod builds MASADA as a summer place. August | 20BC-AD14 | |
Herod the Great starts to build Herod’s Temple it took 46 years to build. He tore down Zerubbabel’s Temple | 20BC to AD25 | |
20BC | King Herod the Great’s rebuild of the Temple in Jeruslem starts | |
The Romans were seen as a foreign occupying force. | ||
Egyptian revolt PERSIA | ||
28-30th dynasties | ||
Roman Soldier | ||
400 Years gap between Malachi and Jesus | ||
Quirinius Governor of Syria | ??BC-AD?? | |
Publius Sulpicius Quirinus (Cyrenius) | 12BC | |
Angel Gabriel announcing Jesus birth | ||
Angel Gabriel is God’s messenger that told people about the birth of Jesus. Luke 1:26-38 | ||
Jesus the man who influenced many. Luke | ||
AD32 | The Cross Jesus died on a Roman death machine to bring us life. Luke 22:1-24:12 | |
12BC-4BC | BIRTH OF JESUS (baby Jesus Christmas) | |
Building ofCaesarea completed by King Herod the Great | 10BC | |
A Census may have began or conclusion | 10-5BC | |
Roman censuses were every 14 years | ||
Angel Gabriel announcing Jesus birth | ||
John the Baptist told everyone who Jesus was. Luke 1:5-25 | ||
12BC-4BC | BIRTH OF JESUS (baby Jesus Christmas) | |
JESUS the MESSIAH was born to Miriam (Mary) (bitter) | ||
Tribe – Judah line of King David. | ||
Faith G’D (JAH) therefore G’D’S SON | ||
Messiah JOUSHA BAR ABBA HAMASHIA Jesus Chris | ||
5-4BC | High Priest – Matthias, son of Theophilus | |
5BC | High Priest – Joseph, son of Elam | |
4BC | High Priest – Joezer, son of Boethus | |
4-1BC | High Priest – Eleazar, son of Boethus – (Appointed by Herod Archelaus | |
Augustus Caesar – 1st emperor of the Roman Empire | 4BC | |
King Herod the Great dies | 4BC | |
Herod the Great’s son Herod Archelaus takes over | 4BC | |
Archelaus, becomes the ethnarch of Judea,Samaria and Idumea | 4-6BC | |
AD1-AD6 | High Priest – Jesus, son of Sie | |
AD7 | High priest – death penalty | |
Judea made a Roman imperial province, Jewish uprising | AD7 | |
if AD32 | Death of Jesus or Jesus Crucified Wednesday 10th April AD32 also 14th Nisan | |
if AD33 | Death of Jesus or Jesus Crucified Friday 14th Nisan | |
Tiberius Caesar – a Roman Emperor dies | March 16, AD 37 | |
Jesus the man who influenced many. Luke | ||
The Cross – The death of Jesus. Luke 22:1-24:12 | ||
Jesus Coming from the cloud.The same way he went to heaven as in Acts 1:9-11 and Luke 23:50-53 he will come back. | ||
The next section of the time line between 10BC-AD700 | The next section of the time line between 10BC-AD700 | |