1. Which of the sons of King Solomon became king after he died?
2. The northern kingdom was called the House of Israel and the southern kingdom was called the House of Judah. Is this correct?
3. King Abijah reigned in Jerusalem for how many years?
4. Did King Asa rule for 41 years?
5. Who was murdered by Baasha while they were at war with the Philistines?
6. How many years did King Baasha rule the House of Israel?
7. Who killed King Elah the 4th King of the House of Israel?
8. How did King Zimri the 5th King of Israel die?
9. What were the two places King Omri the 6th King of Israel ruled from?
10. Who married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal 1 the King of the Tyre?
11. What did the Widow of Zarephath receive?
12. Who did Elijah the prophet on Mount Carmel fight against?
13. How did Queen Jezebel die?
14. What did God think of King Ahab killing Naboth the Jezreelite?
15. What did Micaiah son of Imlah a prophet foretell?
16. While King Jehoshaphat, 4th King of the House of Judah, walked with the LORD the nations around him feared him because?
17. What did King Ahaziah the 8th King of Israel not have?
18. What happened as King Jehoram, 5th King of the House of Judah, forsook the Lord?
19. How did King Jehoram the 9th King of Israel die?
20. Who did Elisha the prophet take over from?
21. What was Elisha’s second of 32 Miracles?
22. What was the miracle of the Widow’s oil?
23. What did Elisha do for the Shunammite woman?
24. What did Elisha the man of God do for Naaman?
Answers for questions 1-24:
1. King Rehoboam.
2. yes.
3. Three years.
4. yes.
5. King Nadab.
7. Elah was killed by one of his officers, Zimri.
10. King Ahab.
11. Dead son back to life.
12. The Baal prophets.
13. Her servants threw her out a window.
14. Brought God’s displeasure, which included the end of their family line, and the disgraceful death of Queen Jezebel.
15. Micaiah foretold the fall of King Ahab at the battle of Ramoth Gilead.
16. Feared him because he had God’s protection.
17. No son to succeed him as 9th king of Israel.
18. Things started to unravel for the kingdom of the House of Judah.
19. Murdered by Jehu an army officer.
20. Elijah.
21. Healing of the water.
22. She was told to get many jars and fill them with oil from her one small jar.
23. Had her son restored back to life.
Other slides in this module:
- 931BC-913BC – King Rehoboam the first King of Judah
- 931BC-910BC – King Jeroboam the first King of the House of Israel
- 913-911BC – King Abijah or Abijam the 2nd king of Judah
- 911BC-870BC – King Asa the 3rd and a Good King of Judah
- 910BC – King Nadab the 2nd King of Israel
- 909BC-886BC – King Baasha the 3rd King of Israel
- 886BC-885BC – King Elah the 4th King of Israel
- 885BC – King Zimri the 5th King of Israel
- 885BC-874BC – King Omri the 6th King of Israel
- 874BC-853BC – King Ahab becomes the 7th King of Israel
- 860BC – The Widow of Zarephath received back her dead son
- 860BC-852BC – Elijah the prophet on Mount Carmel
- 874/73-853BC – Queen Jezebel an evil queen
- 856BC – Naboth’s family Vineyard and King Ahab
- 848BC – Micaiah a man of God, prophesies against King Ahab
- 873/72BC-848BC – King Jehoshaphat the 4th and a Good King of Judah
- 853BC-852BC – King Ahaziah the 8th King of Israel
- 853BC – King Jehoram the 5th King of Judah
- 852BC-841BC – King Jehoram the 9th King of Israel
- 860BC-852BC – Elisha the prophet who took over from Elijah
- 860BC-852BC – Elisha’s second of 32 Miracles – Healing of the water
- 852-796BC – The miracle of the Widow’s oil
- 852-796BC – The Shunammite woman had her son restored back to life
- 849BC – Naaman the man healed of Leprosy by Elisha the man of God
- 848BC-841BC – Obadiah the prophet of God
- 841BC – King Ahaziah the 6th King of Judah
- 841BC – Queen Athaliah the 7th King of Judah
- 841BC-814BC – King Jehu the 10th King of Israel
- 835-795BC – Joash the 8th King of Judah
- 835BC – Joel the prophet of God
- 814BC-798BC – King Jehoahaz the 11th King of Israel
- 798BC-782BC- King Jehoash the 12th King of Israel
- 796BC -767BC – King Amaziah the 9th and a Good King of Judah
- 793BC-753BC – King Jeroboam 2nd the 13th King of Israel
- 790BC – King Azariah the 10th and a good King of Judah
- 782BC-753BC – Jonah, a Prophet of God, and the Whale
- 760BC–755BC – Amos the prophet of God
- 755BC-710BC – The prophet Hosea
- 753BC – King Zechariah the 14th King of Israel
- 752BC – King Shallum the 15th King of Israel
- 752BC-742BC – King Menahem the 16th King of Israel
- 742BC-740BC – King Pekahiah the 17th King of Israel
- 740BC- 732BC – King Pekah the 18th King of Israel
- Questions and Answers 1-24
- Questions and Answers 25-43
- The 20 Kings of Judah who ruled between – 931BC-586BC
- The 19 Kings of Israel who ruled between – 931BC-722BC
- The 19 Kings of Israel – 931BC-722BC = 209 years
- Time Line for Divided Kingdom
- Timeline of the Kings of Israel
- Background Information – Prophets and Kings
- Resources – Prophets and Kings
- Next Module – Prophets and Kings part two