Peter LooksPeter unlike the women was unsure if Jesus had risen from the dead as his Lord and Master said He would. Peter when he had worked things out. Peter would become a leader of the early disciples and do a number of miracles under the power of the Holly Spirit. Peter who denied His Lord and master along with Paul would become the main mentioned Apostles the the Book of acts written by Luke. see Acts. |
彼得的看见彼得不像那些妇女那样不确定耶稣是否从死里复活,因为他的主人说过祂会。 当彼得把事情弄清楚后,彼得成为早期信徒的领袖,也在圣灵的带领下行出一些神迹。 否认他的主的彼得和保罗路加写的在使徒行传里,成为主要提及的使徒之一。 看见 使徒行程。 |
彼得的看见 – Peter Looks
24:12 彼 得 起 来 , 跑 到 坟 墓 前 , 低 头 往 里 看 , 见 细 麻 布 独 在 一 处 , 就 回 去 了 , 心 里 希 奇 所 成 的 事 。
路加福音24:12 – Luke 24:12
More Information:He is RisenEven the disciples did not believe the women because their words were nonsense or as in the Greek leros is medical term for a delirium. These two women who were going to look after a dead person, were the first people to see Jesus after his resurrection. |
背景信息:祂复活了甚至使徒们并不相信那些妇女的话,好像在说废话,在希腊字里是精神错乱的医学术语。那两个妇女是去看一个死去了的人,她们也是第一个见到复活的耶稣的人。 是的,那妇人开始相信了天使说的耶稣从死里复活了。 |
在本单位其他模块: - Other modules in this unit:
- 税吏撒该,路加福音 19:1-10 – Zacchaeus The Tax Collector, Luke 19:1-10
- 马利亚 – 两次膏立的第一次,约翰福音 12:1-11 – Mary – First of two anointings, John 12:1-11
- 胜利进城 – 棕枝主日, 路加福音 19:28-44 – The Triumphal Entry, Luke 19:28-44
- 棕枝被铺在路上 – Palm trees were used to line the road, John 12:12-19
- 耶稣用耶稣在寓言中教导, 马太福音 25:1-13 – Jesus taught in parables, Matthew 25:1-13
- 耶稣豫言他在两天后被钉, 路加福音 22:1-6 – Jesus predicts his crucifixion in two days time, Luke 22:1-6
- 耶稣在伯大尼被膏立,马可福音 14:3-9 – Jesus Anointed At Bethany, Mark 14:3-9
- 耶稣替门徒洗脚,约翰福音 13:1-17 – Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet, John 13:1-17
- 犹大同意出卖耶稣,路加福音 22:1-6 – Judas agrees to betray Jesus, Luke 22:1-6
- 最后晚餐的训言,耶稣安慰门徒,约翰福音 14:1-31 – The upper room discourse, Jesus comforts His Disciples, John 14:1-31
- 耶稣的三个祷告,约翰福音 17:1-26 – Jesus’ three intercessory prayers, John 17:1-26
- 耶稣为自己祷告,路加福音 22:39-46 – Jesus Prays For Himself, Luke 22:39-46
- 兵丁晚上来捉耶稣,路加福音 22:47-48 – Soldiers came at night to get Jesus, Luke 22:47-48
- 彼得削掉耳朵, 路加福音 22:49-51 – Peter cuts off a ear, Luke 22:49-51
- 耶稣被捕, 路加福音 22:52-54 – Jesus Arrested, Luke 22:52-54
- 耶稣受六次审判 – Jesus was on trial 6 times
- 第一次审讯 – 大祭司该亚法的岳父亚那,约翰福音 18:12-14 – First trial – Annas the Father-in-law of Caiaphas the High Priest, John 18:12-14
- 耶稣被解到大祭司该亚法那里 – 第二次审讯,路加福音 22:54-71 – Jesus arrested taken to High Priest Caiaphas – 2nd Trial, Luke 22:54-71
- 星期五?耶稣受难日?- Friday?: day of Jesus’ death?
- 公鸡 – 彼得否认耶稣,路加福音 22:54-62 – Rooster, Peter Disowns Jesus, Luke 22:54-62
- 第三次耶稣在公会面前审讯 – Third Trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin, Luke 22:66-71
- 第一次在彼拉多面前,路加福音 23:1-7 – The first time in front of Pilate, Luke 23:1-7
- 第五次审讯,耶稣在加利利省的统治者希律安提帕面前,路加福音23:8-12 – 5th Trial, Jesus Before Herod Antipas the Governor of Galilee and Perea, Luke 23:8-12
- 耶稣第二次在彼拉多面前,路加福音 23:13-25 – Jesus in front of Pilate for the second time, Luke 23:13-25
- 稣,钉十字架,路加福音 23:26-46 – Jesus, The Crucifixion, Luke 23:26-46
- 钉十字架,路加福音 23:26-46 – The Cross or the Crucifixion, Luke 23:26-46
- 他们封住坟墓确保把守妥当,马太福音 27:62-6 – They made sure by sealing the tomb, Matthew 27:62-6
- 罗马兵丁看守坟墓,马太福音 27:62-66 – Roman Soldiers Guards at the Tomb, Matthew 27:62-66
- 耶稣三天三夜在坟墓里,马太福音 28:1 3 – Days and 3 Nights Jesus is in the Tomb, Matthew 28:1
- 复活主日, 路加福音22章1-12节 – Resurrection Sunday, Luke 24:1-12
- 空坟墓或复活,路加福音 24:1-8 – The Empty Tomb or the Resurrection, Luke 24:1-8
- 他不在这里 – 复活,路加福音 24:1-12 – He is not Here – The Resurrection, Luke 24:1-12
- 来看他被安放的地方,马太福音 28:1-10 – Come See Were He Lay, Matthew 28:1-10
- 耶稣已经真正地升到天上了, 路加福音 24:5-8 – Jesus has risen indeed, The Resurrection, Luke 24:5-8
- 彼得的看见-祂真正的复活了,路加福音24:12 – Peter Looks – He is Risen Indeed, Luke 24:12
- 去以马忤斯的路上, 路加福音24章13-35节
- 约翰福音20章24-31节, 耶稣向多玛的特殊显现
- 耶稣复活后的第一个主日,路加福音 – First Sunday or 7 days after the Resurrection of Jesus, Luke
- 耶稣和神奇的一网鱼, 约翰福音 21:1-25 – Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish, John 21:1-25
- 约翰福音20章24-29节,复活周日结束后的第二个星期日-2ndSunday
- 复活主日之后的第三个周日后 – The end of the third Sunday after Resurrection Sunday
- 复活主日之后的第四个周日后 – The end of the fourth Sunday after Resurrection Sunday
- 复活主日之后的第五个周日(或35天之后)后 – Fifth Sunday or 35 days after the Resurrection Sunday
- 第三第四和第五个主日和耶稣向多马显现,约翰福音 20:24-31 – 3rd 4th and 5th Sunday and Jesus Appears To Thomas, John 20:24-31
- 升天日 – 耶稣回到天上,路加福音 24:50-53 – Ascension Day-Back to Heaven for Jesus, Luke 24:50-53
- 500人看到耶稣,哥林多前书 15:1-11 – 500 People saw Jesus, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
- 复活主日之后的第六个周日(或42天)后, 民数记28章16-31节 – The Sixth Sunday or 42 days from the Resurrection Sunday, Numbers 28:16-31
- 五旬节的火,耶稣复活后50天, 使徒行传 2:1-13 – Pentecost Fire 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus, Acts 2:1-13