Background Information:
300 years gap – The Israelites Oppressed
1:1 Jakob tawh Egypt-ah a hong pai, amau’ innkuan ciat tawh ahi Israel’ tapate’ minte:
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, leh Judah,
3 Issakhar, Zebulun, leh Benjamin,
4 Dan leh Naftali, Gad leh Asher ahi hi.
5 Jakob’ suanlekhakte khempeuh mi sawmsagih hi a, Josef pen Egypt-ah na om khinzo hi.
6 Tua ciangin Josef leh a sanggamte leh tua khangmi khempeuh si uh hi.
7 Ahih hangin Israel’ suanlekhakte pungin nakpi takin khang uh hi. Amaute tampi pha-in nakpi takin khang uh ahih manin Egypt gamah dim uh hi.
300 Year Gap
8 Tu-in Josef a theilo kumpi thak khat Egypt gamah hong khang hi.
9 Amah in a mipihte kiangah, “En un, Israel mite eite-a’ dingin tam lua-in thahat lua uh hi.
10 Amaute hong tam khading uh ahih manin ngaihsut siamna tawh amaute hih ni. Eite tungah gal hong om leh amaute in i galte pawlin eite hong do-in hih gam panin taikhia khading uh hi,” a ci hi.
11 Tua ahih ciangin nasepna tawh amaute a gimsak dingin amaute tungah nasem ukte koih uh hi. Israel mite in Faro-a’ dingin van koihna Pithom leh Rameses khuapite lam uh hi.
12 Ahih hangin amaute a kinenniam ciangin amaute tampi phazaw-in kizelthang zaw uh hi. Egypt mite in Israel mite kihta uh hi.
13 Tua ahih ciangin amaute in Israel mite a gim mahmahin na semsak uh a,
14 buan leh leiseek tawh nasepna leh lo sungah nasep namkim khempeuh tawh amau’ nuntakna haksa sak uh hi. Israel mite’ sepna khempeuhah amaute in a gim mahmahin semsak uh hi.
Hih unit sung ah a dang sinna te:
- The beginning God created the earth – Undated Past, Piancilna 1:1-2
- The 7 or Seven Days of Creation – Undated Past, Piancilna 1:1-3:24
- Adam was the first created man specifically named in Scripture, Piancilna 1:26-2:25
- Eve the first woman specifically named in Scripture, Piancilna 2:18-25
- Abel a righteous man, Piancilna 4:1-16
- 1100 Year gap between Adam and Noah, Piancilna 5:1-32
- Noah built an ark, Piancilna 6:8-22
- Noah builds an Ark for God, Piancilna 6:9-9:28
- 400 year gap between Noah and Abraham, Piancilna 11:10-32
- Abraham the father of nations, Piancilna 12:1-25:11
- Sarah was the wife of Abraham, Piancilna 11:29-23:20
- Isaac Abraham’s son, Piancilna 25:20-34
- Esau was Isaac’s favorite son, Piancilna 25:19-34
- Jakob steals Isaac’s blessing, Piancilna 27:1-29
- Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban, Piancilna 29:15-30
- Death of Joseph at one hundred and ten years old, Piancilna 50:22-26
- 300 year gap between Joseph and Moses, Piancilna 50:22-Paikhiatna 1:22
- Miriam kepts eye on Moses after he had been placed as a baby in a boat, Paikhiatna 2:1-10
- God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush, Paikhiatna 3:1-4:17
- Moses was asked to take off his sandals by God, Paikhiatna 3:1-22
- Moses the friend of God.
- Manna means ‘What Is It’?, Paikhiatna 16:1-36
- Moses at Mount Sinai, Paikhiatna 19:1-25
- The Golden Calf the idol made by Aaron, Paikhiatna 32:1-35
- Speak to the Rock “Give Water”, Gamlak Vakna 20:1-13
- Joshua God’s warrior, Joshua 5:13-6:21
- The two scouts or spies were Joshua’s eyes, Joshua 2:1-24 and 6:22-25
- Rahab helped Israel to take Jericho, Joshua 2:1-24
- Rahab saved from death, Joshua 6:22-25
- Gideon the fifth Judge of Israel, Thukhente 6:1-8:35
- Ruth, the great grand mother of King David, Ruth 1:16-2:23
- Jephthah the Gileadite the 10th Judge of Israel, Thukhente 11:1-12:7
- Samson the 14th Judge of Israel, Thukhente 13:1-16:31
- Samuel 15th Judge of Israel and also a Prophet, Samuel Masa16:1-13
- King Saul Spear, Samuel Masa 18:5-15
- David uses his slingshot, Samuel Masa 17:40-58
- Solomon’s throne established, 2nd Kings 2:1-46
- King Rehoboam, 1st Kings 11:41-12:24
- Jonah a prophet of God, Jonah
- Isaiah the prophet (739BC-690BC) wrote the book Isaiah, 2 Kings 18:1-20-21
- Jeremiah is put down a well, Jeremiah 38:1-28
- Daniel in the Lions Den, Daniel 6:1—28
- Esther becomes the Queen, The book of Esther
- Nehemiah rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah 2:1-3:32l
- Malachi the last Old Testament writer
- The time gap between Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew the first of the gospels.
- The cross a Roman method of killing people, Luka 22:1-24:12
- The author and giver of all faith – Zeisu