Acts 2:14-41. Peter preaches his first sermon and 3000 are added to the believers and were baptized in Jesus’ name. Acts 2:14-41 – If AD32 then Sunday 30 May. If AD33 then Sunday 24 May.
Peter told his listeners in his first sermon about Jesus and backed up his case as a good Jew from the Scriptures.
This was the first time, that we know of, that Peter spoke in public under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peter seems to have become the public spokesman for the group of 120 believers.
Background Reading:
Peter Addresses the Crowd
2:14 Then Peter stood up among the eleven apostles and raised his voice to address them:
“Men of Judea and everyone living in Jerusalem! You must understand something, so pay close attention to my words. 15 These men are not drunk as you suppose, for it’s only nine o’clock in the morning. 16 Rather, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel:
17 ‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.
Your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
and your old men will dream dreams.
18 In those days I will even pour out my Spirit
on my slaves, men and women alike,
and they will prophesy.
19 I will display wonders in the sky above
and signs on the earth below:
blood, fire, and clouds of smoke.
20 The sun will become dark,
and the moon turn to blood,
before the coming of the great and glorious Day of the Lord.
21 Then whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
22 “Fellow Israelis, listen to these words: Jesus from Nazareth was a man authenticated to you by God through miracles, wonders, and signs that God performed through him among you, as you yourselves know. 23 After he was arrested according to the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified this very man and killed him using the hands of lawless men. 24 But God raised him up and put an end to suffering of death, since it was impossible for him to be held by it, 25 since David says about him,
‘I always keep my eyes on the Lord,
for he is at my right hand
so that I cannot be shaken.
26 That is why my heart is glad
and my tongue rejoices,
yes, even my body still rests securely in hope.
27 For you will not abandon my soul to Hades
or allow your Holy One to experience decay.
28 You have made the ways of life known to me,
and you will fill me with gladness in your presence.’
29 “Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and that his tomb is among us to this day. 30 Therefore, since he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him with an oath to put one of his descendants on his throne, 31 he looked ahead and spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah:
‘He was not abandoned to Hades,
and his flesh did not experience decay.’
32 “It was this very Jesus whom God raised—and we’re all witnesses of that. 33 He has been exalted to the right hand of God, has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, and has caused you to experience what you are seeing and hearing. 34 After all, David did not go up to heaven, but he said,
‘The Lord told my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand,
35 until I make your enemies your footstool.”’
36 “Therefore, let all the people of Israel understand beyond a doubt that God made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!”
37 When the crowd that had gathered heard this, they were pierced to the heart. They asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
38 Peter answered them, “Every one of you must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift. 39 For this promise belongs to you and your children, as well as to all those who are distant, whom the Lord our God may call to himself.”
40 Using many different expressions, Peter continued to testify and to plead: “Be saved,” he urged them, “from this corrupt generation!” 41 So those who welcomed his message were baptized. That day about 3,000 people were added to their number.
Acts 2:14–41
More Information:
Peter Addresses the crowd that was there for a Jewish Feast, The Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost which is also called Feast of Weeks (see Leviticus 23:15) or First Harvest e.g. wheat. This feast is Late Spring and seven weeks or 50 days after the Feast First Fruits which comes the day after the weekly Sabbath.
Other slides in this module:
- He is not here, Jesus has risen from the dead
- 40 Days, Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven
- Jesus returns Home back to Heaven via the clouds
- Matthias replaces Judas
- 50th Day After Jesus’ Resurrection
- Pentecost Fire, Like Tongues of Fire
- Start of the Early Church, The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
- Peter addresses the Crowd
- The Fellowship of the Believers form a community
- Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar
- Peter addresses the onlookers in the Temple
- Peter and John before the Sanhedrin
- Ananias and Sapphira
- The Apostles persecuted
- Choosing of the Seven Helpers
- Stephen seized and killed
- Philip and the Ethiopian
- Paul (Saul) meets God
- Paul (Saul) Escapes In A Basket
- Aeneas healed by Peter
- Peter’s dream and the call of Cornelius
- Barnabas looks for Paul
- AD43 Covered First Ten Years
- Peter’s 2nd miraculous escape from prison
- The Book of James – first New Testament book
- Orphans and Widows – Listening and Doing
- Barnabas and Paul sent off
- Ship, The Port of Seleucia
- Paul in Pisidian Antioch
- Paul heals a crippled man at Lystra
- They tried to kill Paul by stoning him at Lystra
- The return to Antioch to rest after the first trip
- The Book of Galatians
- Paul uses a Scribe
- Start of Paul’s Second Trip
- Timothy, Paul’s disciple
- Philippi – The Fortune Telling Slave Girl
- Paul and Silas in Prison again
- In Athens, the unknown god
- Do not get angry
- Paul returns back by ship
- Paul rests between Trips 2 and 3
- AD53 The end of the first twenty years
- Questions and Answers 1-14
- Questions and Answers 15-28
- Questions and Answers 29-43
- Timeline for Acts part one
- The Book of Acts:- Part Two » »