The life of Seth is found in Genesis 4:25-26. Seth was the youngest brother of Abel and Cain.
From Adam, Seth is the next in line for the family tree of Jesus, Luke 3:38.
Cain missed out because he killed his younger brother, Abel.
Seth was born to Adam when Adam was 130 years old. Seth lived for a total of 912 years.
Seth or Sheth, in Hebrew, could mean: granted. There are a number of other meanings that people suggest.
Seth is in the family tree of Jesus, Genesis 4:25-26.
Adam was 130 years old when Eve, his wife, gave birth to Seth. They had already had two sons named Cain and Abel. By the time Seth was born, Cain had killed Abel. So Seth was a replacement for the family tree of Jesus.
Background Reading
The birth of Seth
25 Later on, after Adam had sexual relations with his wife, she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, because
“God granted me another offspring to replace Abel,
since Cain murdered him.”
26 Seth also fathered a son, whom he named Enosh. At that time, profaning or calling on the name of the LORD began.
Genesis 4:25-26
6 When Seth had lived 105 years, he fathered Enosh. 7 After he fathered Enosh, Seth lived 807 years, fathering other sons and daughters. 8 Seth lived a total of 912 years, and then died.
Genesis 5:6-8
Other slides in this module:
- In the beginning, God created the earth
- The 7 or Seven Days of Creation
- Adam was the first created man specifically named in Scripture
- Eve the first woman specifically named in Scripture
- Tree of Life
- Cain the first human murderer and older brother of Abel
- Abel a righteous man
- Seth
- About a 1100 Year gap between the birth of Adam and the birth of Noah
- Enoch did not die
- Noah built an ark with God’s instructions
- The Ark, God’s way of saving people from the Flood
- The Tower of Babel
- 400 years between Noah and Abraham
- Abraham the father of nations
- Sarah was the wife of Abraham
- Lot is rescued by Abraham
- Melchizedek was the King of Salem
- Hagar, an Egyptian slave given to Abraham by the Pharaoh of Egypt
- The birth of Isaac Abraham’s son
- Ishmael the son of Hagar and Abraham
- Rebekah married Isaac
- Esau the son that Isaac loved
- The birth of Jacob the son of Isaac
- King Abimelech a local king and Isaac
- Questions and Answers 1-11
- Questions and Answers 12-26
- Genesis Part Two » »
- Time Line for Genesis part one »
- Resources – The book of Genesis