Revelation 8:7. After the blowing of the first shofar or trumpet came hail and fire mixed with blood. One third of the earth burned and one third of the trees and all the green grass burned up.
Remember Exodus 9:22-26 the 7th plague.
The trumpet referred to here was a shofar, which is a ram’s horn which was used by the Israelites for religious purposes and for warfare.
The last Trump is the longest time the blower of the shofar can hold a note. It refers to the last time the shofar is blown in the Feast of Trumpets.
Background Reading:
The 1st Trumpet
8:7 When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail and fire were mixed with blood and thrown on the earth. One-third of the earth was burned up, one-third of the trees was burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.
Revelation 8:7
Other slides in this module:
- The Book of Revelation
- Jesus coming back in the clouds
- John on the Island of Patmos
- Seven Churches
- The Eightfold characteristics of the Son of Man
- Jesus holds the keys
- First Church, Ephesus; The Tree of Life
- Second Church, Smyrna; Satan
- Third Church, Pergamum; Manna
- 4th Church, Thyatira; Morning Star
- Fifth Church, Sardis; White robes
- 6th Church, Philadelphia; Holy City
- 7th Church, Laodicea; Door to your Heart
- The Throne of God in Heaven
- The Scroll and the Lamb
- 1st seal – the white horse and rider
- The Second Seal – the Red Horse
- Third Seal – The black horse
- The 4th Seal: the pale or green horse
- 5th Seal – White Robes
- The 6th Seal, Blackness
- 144,000 Jewish emissaries
- Believers in White Robes holding palm branches
- Jesus opens the Seventh Seal
- Angel with the Golden Censer
- 1st Trumpet – Hail and fire mixed with blood
- The second Trumpet or second Shofar
- The Judgment of the Third trumpet or Shofar
- The Judgment of the Fourth Trumpet or 4th Shofar
- The first Horror or the Vision of the Eagle Flying
- The Fifth Trumpet or fifth Shofar
- The Second Horror, calamity, terror
- The Sixth Trumpet or Sixth Shofar released 200 million soldiers for war
- The Angel
- The Little Scroll
- 1260 Days of the Gentiles
- 1260 Days of the Two Witnesses
- The Two Witnesses of God
- Earthquake
- The Seventh Trumpet or Shofar sounds
- The announcement of the third horror
- Questions and Answers 1 to 21
- Questions and Answers 22-42
- The book of Revelation Part Two » »