Revelation 14:8. The Second Angel – 1st Cup
The Second Angel delivered the first cup of God’s horror.
The Second Angel preaches the fall of Babylon described in Revelation 16:17-21 and Revelation 18:1-24.
Babylon means: the gate of bel (a heathen god) and confusion. The original city was founded by Nimrod.
It is used in Revelation as the symbol of a great and wicked religious and political system: see Revelation 17, to be destroyed under the seventh vial.
Also read Revelation 16:17-21; 18:1-24.
Background Reading:
The Vision of the Second Angels Sounding his Warning
14: Then another angel, a second one, followed him, saying,
“Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen!
She has made all nations drink the wine,
the wrath earned for her sexual sins.”
Revelation 14:8
Other slides in this module:
- The Ark of God
- Satan the Red Dragon and the Woman
- 1260 Days
- The Beast out of the Sea
- The Beast out of the Earth
- The Image or statue of the Beast of the Sea
- The Mark of the Beast is 666
- The Lamb and the 144,000 Jewish men
- The First Angel of three Angels with the eternal gospel to proclaim
- First Cup – The Second Angel
- The Third Angel with the Second Cup of God’s wrath
- 300 km – The harvest of the earth
- Seven Angels with the Seven Plagues
- The First Bowl of Wrath – image 666
- The Second Bowl of Wrath – Sea turned to Blood
- The Third Bowl of Wrath – Rivers of Blood
- The fourth Bowl of Wrath – on people
- The fifth Bowl of Wrath – Sores and Pain
- The sixth Bowl of Wrath – war
- The Seventh Bowl of Wrath – Hailstones
- The Golden Cup of Filth – The Woman on the Beast
- The Angel spoke
- The Fall of Babylon
- Shipping or Trading stopped
- Angel announces the coming of Jesus
- The Rider on the White Horse
- Jesus holds the Keys
- The Satanic-Red Dragon
- 1000 years of Satan’s doom
- Book or Scroll of Life
- WE WIN! I looked at the end of the book and WE WIN
- The Holy City – the New Jerusalem
- The Bride of Christ
- 2200km, Size of the new city
- God is light for the city
- The River of the Water of Life
- Jesus Reigns
- Jesus is the lamp and God is the light
- The Bride of Christ
- The Angel Gabriel announced Jesus’ Birth
- The Cross – Jesus is returning soon
- Jesus Is returning soon
- Questions and Answers 44 to 63
- Questions and Answers 64-85
- Resources – Revelation Part One and Two
- Background Information – Revelation Part Two