Revelation 13:14-15. The Third of Three Beasts:
Image or statue of the Beast out of the Sea (first beast)
The image speaks and deceives people because it is alive or appears to have life.
The sea is often used to symbolize the mass of mankind.
The Image of the Beast of the Sea is set up and given life by the Beast of the Earth (second Beast).
The image or copy of the first beast is created by the second beast. It issues decrees and none may buy or sell unless they think and do as it does.
So what is this image going to look like? Well, it must be able to talk.
Is it solid, or a hologram, or is it imagery of a system that is man-made or made by Satan?
More than likely both First and Second Beasts are human but still under Satan’s control.
Background Reading:
The Image of the Beast out of the Sea made by the Beast out of the Earth – 3rd Beast.
Here is a call for endurance and faith of the saints:
13:14 It deceives those living on earth with the signs that it is allowed to do on behalf of the first beast, telling them to make an image for the beast who was wounded by a sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was allowed to impart life to the image of the first beast so that the image of the beast could talk and order the execution of those who would not worship the image of the beast.
Revelation 13:14-15
Other slides in this module:
- The Ark of God
- Satan the Red Dragon and the Woman
- 1260 Days
- The Beast out of the Sea
- The Beast out of the Earth
- The Image or statue of the Beast of the Sea
- The Mark of the Beast is 666
- The Lamb and the 144,000 Jewish men
- The First Angel of three Angels with the eternal gospel to proclaim
- First Cup – The Second Angel
- The Third Angel with the Second Cup of God’s wrath
- 300 km – The harvest of the earth
- Seven Angels with the Seven Plagues
- The First Bowl of Wrath – image 666
- The Second Bowl of Wrath – Sea turned to Blood
- The Third Bowl of Wrath – Rivers of Blood
- The fourth Bowl of Wrath – on people
- The fifth Bowl of Wrath – Sores and Pain
- The sixth Bowl of Wrath – war
- The Seventh Bowl of Wrath – Hailstones
- The Golden Cup of Filth – The Woman on the Beast
- The Angel spoke
- The Fall of Babylon
- Shipping or Trading stopped
- Angel announces the coming of Jesus
- The Rider on the White Horse
- Jesus holds the Keys
- The Satanic-Red Dragon
- 1000 years of Satan’s doom
- Book or Scroll of Life
- WE WIN! I looked at the end of the book and WE WIN
- The Holy City – the New Jerusalem
- The Bride of Christ
- 2200km, Size of the new city
- God is light for the city
- The River of the Water of Life
- Jesus Reigns
- Jesus is the lamp and God is the light
- The Bride of Christ
- The Angel Gabriel announced Jesus’ Birth
- The Cross – Jesus is returning soon
- Jesus Is returning soon
- Questions and Answers 44 to 63
- Questions and Answers 64-85
- Resources – Revelation Part One and Two
- Background Information – Revelation Part Two