Hebrews 11:22 and Genesis 50:22-26. Joseph the man with the Coat of many colors, 1914BC- 1804BC, 11th son of Jacob. Joseph was sold by his brothers in 1897BC, Exalted in Egypt by the Pharaoh in 1884BC, Married Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On. They had two sons Manasseh and Ephraim.
Joseph was the one whose dreams from God came true. He was also able to interpret other people’s dreams.
Joseph was 30 years old when the Pharaoh of Egypt made him Second in Charge.
He died at one hundred and ten years old in Egypt. His bones were taken back to the land of his birth when Moses lead the people out of Egypt about 400 years later. Exodus 13:19.
Joseph looked after his brothers and their families even after his brothers tried to harm him when he was still a teenager. Joseph was a still a very powerful man in Egypt.
Jacob promised to Joseph he as a people would go back to the land and Jacob would give to Joseph one portion more than to his brothers. The portion being the ridge of land that he took from the Amorites with his sword and bow.
Background Reading:
11:22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelis and gave them instructions about burying his bones.
Hebrews 11:22
The Death of Joseph
50:22 Joseph continued to live in Egypt, along with his father’s household, until he was 110 years old. 23 Joseph saw the third generation of Ephraim’s children, as well as the children who had been born to Manasseh’s son Machir, whom he adopted as his own. 24 Later, Joseph told his brothers, “I’m going to die soon, but God will certainly provide for you and bring you up from this land to the land that he promised with an oath to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” 25 So Joseph made all of Israel’s other children make this promise: “Because God is certainly going to take care of you, you are to carry my bones up from here.”
26 Some time later, Joseph died at the age of 110 years, and he was embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt.
Genesis 50:22-26
More Information:
Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob by his favorite wife Rachel.
The youth whose dreams came true.
First of the Hebrew leaders very early on in the History of Israel.
He had a Christ like spirit.
Other slides in this module:
- The Beginning
- Seven days of Creation
- Cain the first human murderer recorded in the Bible
- Abel a righteous man
- Enoch did not die,
- Noah built an Ark
- Abraham the father of the Hebrew people
- Sarah Abraham’s wife
- Isaac Abraham’s son
- Esau Isaac’s son
- Jacob Isaac’s favorite son
- Manasseh Joesph’s Older Son
- Joesph’s younger son
- Joseph had a coat of many colors
- Amram a Levite, the father of Moses
- Jochebed the mother of Moses
- Moses followed God by faith
- The Red Sea divided and congealed
- Joshua and the fall of Jericho
- Caleb, Moses’ man
- The fall of Jericho
- Rahab saved from death
- Barak the army commander of Israel
- Gideon the fifth Judge of Israel
- Jephthah the Gileadite the tenth Judge of Israel
- The Prophets from Genesis to Revelation
- Samson the Fourteenth Judge of Israel
- Samuel 15th Judge of Israel and also a Prophet
- King Saul first of three Kings
- David second of three kings
- Jonathan David’s true friend
- The widow of Zarephath
- Obadiah and Elijah
- The prophet Elijah did sixteen miracles
- The vineyard of Naboth and Queen Jezebel
- Micaiah, the son of Imlah
- Elisha the Prophet
- The miracle of the Widow’s Oil
- The Shunammite and her son
- Zechariah the Prophet
- King Hezekiah
- King Hezekiah, The sun went backwards
- Isaiah the prophet
- Jeremiah the prophet
- Uriah the Son of Shemaiah
- Jeremiah put down a well
- The book of Daniel
- The Fiery Furnace
- Daniel in the Lions’ Den
- Hasmonean Dynasty
- John the Baptist
- Jesus the Son of God
- Background Information: For Hebrews Chapter 11
- Resources: For Hebrews Chapter 11
- Next Module – Revelation part one » »