Paul’s 4th Trial -July AD59 – Acts 25:1-12.
In front of His Excellency Governor Porcius Festus, the Roman successor to Felix, and the Jewish leaders, Paul faces his fourth trial over what he believes.
At least Paul was still alive.
At this trial Paul appealed to Caesar. In this way, Paul was saying he wanted to go be to tried in the highest court in the Roman Empire. Dr. Luke may have written both the books of Luke and Acts for Paul’s appearance before the Roman Empire in the person of the ruling Caesar who was Nero. The word Nero means black.
Background Reading:
The Trial Before Festus were Paul Appeals to the Emperor
25:1 Three days after Festus had arrived in the province, he went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem. 2 The high priests and Jewish leaders informed him of their charges against Paul, urging 3 and asking Festus to have Paul brought to Jerusalem as a favor. They were laying an ambush to kill him on the road.
4 Festus replied that Paul was being kept in custody at Caesarea and that he himself would be going there soon. 5 “Therefore,” he said, “have your authorities come down with me and present their charges against him there, if there is anything wrong with the man.”
6 Festus stayed with them no more than eight or ten days and then went down to Caesarea. The next day, he sat on the judge’s seat and ordered Paul brought in. 7 When Paul arrived, the Jewish leaders who had come down from Jerusalem surrounded him and began bringing a number of serious charges against him that they couldn’t prove. 8 Paul said in his defense, “I have done nothing wrong against the Law of the Jews, or of the Temple, or of the emperor.”
9 Then Festus, wanting to do the Jewish leaders a favor, asked Paul, “Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem to be tried there before me on these charges?”
10 But Paul said, “I am standing before the emperor’s judgment seat where I ought to be tried. I haven’t done anything wrong to the Jewish leaders, as you know very well. 11 If I’m guilty and have done something that deserves death, I’m willing to die. But if there is nothing to their charges against me, no one can hand me over to them as a favor. I appeal to the emperor!”
12 Festus talked it over with the council and then answered, “To the emperor you have appealed; to the emperor you will go!”
Acts 25:1-12
Other slides in this module:
- Next 43 Years of the Book of Acts, Acts 18:23
- Next 4 years of the Book of Acts, Acts 18:23-21:18
- Books Burn, Paul is in Ephesus, Acts 19:18-20
- Look in a Mirror, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
- Satan as an Angel of Light, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians 2:5-11 and 11:14
- Paul writes the book of Romans
- Idol or the Golden Calf
- Olive Tree
- Paul arrested and put in Chains
- First of several trials for Paul
- Paul before the High Priest Ananias and the Sanhedrin
- Second Trial for Paul, this time before Felix
- Paul’s third trial in front of Felix
- Paul’s fourth trial was in front of Festus
- Festus consults with King Herod Agrippa 2
- Paul before King Agrippa for his fifth trial
- Paul, a prisoner, sails for Rome in chains
- Map, Paul sails for Rome and prison
- Paul and the Snakebite ashore on Malta
- Paul heals the people on the island of Malta
- Paul under house arrest is still preaching
- Gospel of Luke
- Roman Soldier, The Armour of God
- Comeback, Paul’s plea for Onesimus
- Epaphras took a letter to the city of Colossae
- Run the race
- Map, Paul’s 5th trip which was after the book of Acts was written
- Rome burns, 19 July AD64
- Kiss of Love
- Scribe, Paul’s Letter To Titus
- Paul writes to Timothy a second time
- Victor’s Crown
- The book of Hebrews
- Moses leads God’s people
- Crossing the Red Sea
- Paul back in jail or prison again in Rome
- The Book of Jude
- Jerusalem is destroyed 2nd September AD70
- 3rd John
- John on the Island of Patmos
- Eight Characteristics of Jesus
- The Holy City, the New Jerusalem
- Jesus Reigns
- AD96 the end of the book of Revelation and the continuation of the Christian church
- Questions and Answers 1-14
- Questions and Answers 15-28
- Questions and Answers 29-43
- Timeline for Acts part two
- Resources: Acts part one and two
- Next Module » »