Titus 1:1-3:15. Paul used a scribe to dictate a letter to his friend Titus about June-September AD67.
The use of scribes was common in those times as many people could not read or write – even learned people. Alternatively Paul may have used a scribe for all of his letters because he found it hard to write, for any number of reasons – his age (approximately 50 years old which was a good old age for those times), ills from his hard life such as damaged hands or eyesight, or a combination of both. We know Paul could write because he referred to “the big letters I make with my own hand.
Whatever the reasons Paul used a scribe, his mind was still in top condition and he was in tune with God.
Paul used this letter to give instructions to Titus so Titus knew what Paul wanted him to do. Maybe today we would email or text or use some other digital format.
Background Reading:
Paul’s letter to Titus – Greetings
1:1 From: Paul, a servant of God, and also an apostle of Jesus the Messiah, to bring the faith to those chosen by God, along with full knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness, 2 which is based on the hope of eternal life that God, who cannot lie, promised before the world began. 3 At the right time he revealed his message through the proclamation that was entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.
4 To: Titus, a genuine child in the faith that we share.
May grace and peace from God the Father and the Messiah, Jesus our Savior, be yours!
Qualifications for Leaders in the Church
5 The reason I left you in Crete was to complete what still needed to be done and to appoint elders in every city, as I myself commanded you. 6 An elder must be blameless. He must be the husband of one wife and have children who are believers and who are not accused of having wild lifestyles or of being rebellious. 7 Because an overseer is God’s servant manager, he must be blameless. He must not be arrogant or irritable. He must not drink too much, be a violent person, or make money in shameful ways. 8 Instead, he must be hospitable to strangers, must appreciate what is good, and be sensible, honest, moral, and self-controlled. 9 He must be devoted to the trustworthy message that agrees with what we teach, so that he may be able to encourage others with healthy doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Guard What is True
10 For there are many people who are rebellious, especially those who are converts from Judaism. They speak utter nonsense and deceive people. 11 They must be silenced, because they are the kind of people who ruin whole families by teaching what they should not teach in order to make money in a shameful way. 12 One of their very own prophets said,
“Liars ever, men of Crete,
savage brutes that live to eat.”
13 That statement is true. For this reason, refute them sharply so that they may become healthy in the faith 14 and not pay attention to Jewish myths or commands given by people who reject the truth. 15 Everything is clean to those who are clean, but nothing is clean to those who are corrupt and unbelieving. Indeed, their very way of thinking and their consciences have been corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but they deny him by their actions. They are detestable, disobedient, and disqualified to do anything good.
Guidelines for Christian Living
1 But as for you, teach what is consistent with healthy doctrine. 2 Older men are to be sober, serious, sensible, and sound in faith, love, and endurance. 3 Likewise, older women are to show their reverence for God by their behavior. They are not to be gossips or addicted to alcohol, but to be examples of goodness. 4 They should encourage the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible and pure, to manage their households, to be kind, and to submit themselves to their husbands. Otherwise, the word of God may be discredited.
6 Likewise, encourage the younger men to be sensible. 7 Always set an example for others by doing good actions. Teach with integrity and dignity. 8 Use wholesome speech that cannot be condemned. Then any opponent will be ashamed because he cannot say anything bad about us.
9 Slaves are to submit to their masters in everything, aiming to please them and not argue with them 10 or steal from them. Instead, they are to show complete and perfect loyalty, so that in every way they may make the teaching about God our Savior more attractive.
11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. 12 It trains us to renounce ungodly living and worldly passions so that we might live sensible, honest, and godly lives in the present age 13 as we wait for the blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great God and Savior, Jesus the Messiah. 14 He gave himself for us to set us free from every wrong and to cleanse us so that we could be his special people who are enthusiastic about doing good deeds.
15 These are the things you should teach. Encourage and refute with full authority. Do not let anyone look down on you.
Concentrate on Doing What is Good
1 Remind believers to submit to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, and to be ready to do any honorable kind of work. 2 They are not to insult anyone or be argumentative. Instead, they are to be gentle and perfectly courteous to everyone. 3 After all, we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, and misled. We were slaves to many kinds of lusts and pleasures, spending our days in malice and jealousy. We were despised, and we hated one another.
4 In grace our Savior God appeared,
to make his love for mankind clear.
5 ‘Twas not for deeds that we had done,
but by his steadfast love alone,
he saved us through a second birth,
renewed us by the Spirit’s work,
6 and poured him out upon us, too,
through Jesus the Messiah our Savior true.
7 And so, made heirs by his own grace,
eternal life we now embrace.
8 This saying is trustworthy. I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have put their faith in God may devote themselves to good actions. These things are good and helpful to other people.
9 But avoid foolish controversies, arguments about genealogies, quarrels, and fights about the Law. These things are useless and worthless. 10 Have nothing to do with a divisive person after you have warned him once or twice. 11 For you know that a person like this is corrupt and keeps on sinning, being self-condemned.
Final Instructions to Titus
12 As soon as I send Artemas to you, or perhaps Tychicus, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. 13 Do all you can to send Zenas the expert in the Law and Apollos on their way, and see that they have everything they need. 14 Our own people should also learn to make good deeds a priority when urgent needs arise, so they won’t be unproductive.
Final Greeting
15 All who are with me send you greetings. Greet our fellow believers who love us. May grace be with all of you! Amen.
Titus 1:1-3:15
Other slides in this module:
- Next 43 Years of the Book of Acts, Acts 18:23
- Next 4 years of the Book of Acts, Acts 18:23-21:18
- Books Burn, Paul is in Ephesus, Acts 19:18-20
- Look in a Mirror, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
- Satan as an Angel of Light, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians 2:5-11 and 11:14
- Paul writes the book of Romans
- Idol or the Golden Calf
- Olive Tree
- Paul arrested and put in Chains
- First of several trials for Paul
- Paul before the High Priest Ananias and the Sanhedrin
- Second Trial for Paul, this time before Felix
- Paul’s third trial in front of Felix
- Paul’s fourth trial was in front of Festus
- Festus consults with King Herod Agrippa 2
- Paul before King Agrippa for his fifth trial
- Paul, a prisoner, sails for Rome in chains
- Map, Paul sails for Rome and prison
- Paul and the Snakebite ashore on Malta
- Paul heals the people on the island of Malta
- Paul under house arrest is still preaching
- Gospel of Luke
- Roman Soldier, The Armour of God
- Comeback, Paul’s plea for Onesimus
- Epaphras took a letter to the city of Colossae
- Run the race
- Map, Paul’s 5th trip which was after the book of Acts was written
- Rome burns, 19 July AD64
- Kiss of Love
- Scribe, Paul’s Letter To Titus
- Paul writes to Timothy a second time
- Victor’s Crown
- The book of Hebrews
- Moses leads God’s people
- Crossing the Red Sea
- Paul back in jail or prison again in Rome
- The Book of Jude
- Jerusalem is destroyed 2nd September AD70
- 3rd John
- John on the Island of Patmos
- Eight Characteristics of Jesus
- The Holy City, the New Jerusalem
- Jesus Reigns
- AD96 the end of the book of Revelation and the continuation of the Christian church
- Questions and Answers 1-14
- Questions and Answers 15-28
- Questions and Answers 29-43
- Timeline for Acts part two
- Resources: Acts part one and two
- Next Module » »