Luke 12:13-21. Jesus, in answer to a question replied with a parable.
Maybe the questioner, was using the Law of Moses as found in Deuteronomy 21:15-17.
The Parable of the Rich Fool.
The 18th parable in Luke, illustrating that life does not consist of earthly possessions.
Background Reading:
The Parable of the Rich Fool
12:13 Then someone in the crowd told him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.”
14 But Jesus asked him, “Mister, who appointed me to be a judge or arbitrator over you people?” 15 Then he told them, “Be careful to guard yourselves against every kind of greed, because a person’s life doesn’t consist of the amount of possessions he has.”
16 Then he told them a parable. He said, “The land of a certain rich man produced good crops. 17 So he began to think to himself, ‘What should I do, since I have no place to store my crops?’ 18 Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and I’ll store all my grain and goods in them. 19 Then I’ll say to myself, “You’ve stored up plenty of good things for many years. Take it easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself.”’ 20 But God told him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you. Now who will get the things you’ve accumulated?’ 21 That’s how it is with the person who stores up treasures for himself rather than with God.”
Luke 12:13-21
Other slides in this module:
- Jesus starts His Ministry
- John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus
- Sandal, John the Baptist
- Satan, The Temptation of Jesus
- The Calling of the First Disciples
- Water Jar, Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
- Jesus teaches Nicodemus
- Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman at the Well
- Jesus calls for disciples a second time
- Man on a sleeping mat
- The Healing of two Blind Men in a house
- Jesus chooses His Twelve Apostles
- The Sermon in a level place
- Roman Centurion a leader of soldiers
- Jesus anointed by a sinful Woman
- Farmer sows seeds
- A Lamp on a stand
- Jesus calms the Storm
- Jesus sends out the Twelve
- John the Baptist beheaded by Herod the Tetrarch
- Jesus feeds five thousand
- Jesus Walks On Water
- Jesus feeds 4000 men besides women and children
- Jesus in a boat
- Blind Man at Bethsaida
- Keys to the Kingdom, Peter’s confession of Christ
- The Transfiguration
- Jesus sends out seventy or seventy two disciples
- Light, Jesus is the Light of the world
- Jesus heals a man born blind
- Jesus looks out for the lost sheep
- Jesus uses Jonah as a sign
- God is the Light
- Keys
- The Parable of the Rich Fool
- Be ready to serve Jesus day and night
- The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Lazarus raised from the dead
- The Plot to Kill Jesus
- The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
- A Blind Beggar receives his sight
- Zacchaeus the tax collector
- Questions and Answers 1-14
- Questions and Answers 15-28
- Questions and Answers 29-42
- Ministry of Jesus Timeline
- Next Module – Easter, Triumphal Entry to Pentecost » »