Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ – Harold W. Hoehner – Zondervan 1977 Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 130 and 131, Doctoral Dissertation 1964 Revived 1972 Dallas Theological Seminary. He has written other books.
A Harmony of the Gospels and Analytical outline of the Harmony – A T Robertson 1922 renewed 1950 Harper & Row Publishers.
Synopsis of the Four Gospels – Kurt Aland – United Bible Societies ISBN3-43805405-1 6th Ed 1983.
Synopsis of the 1st Three Gospels – Basil Blackwell – Oxford 1963.
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Volume 2 – Alfred Edersheim 1901. Also in an abridged form.
The Sequence of Events of the Old Testament – Shlma Eliezer Pub MOD Israel Publishing House Distributed By the “Jerusalem Post” ISBN -965-05 797? 1984.
The Macmillan Bible Atlas – Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah.
The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings – Dr. Edwin Thiele Pater Noster press 1951.
Young’s Analytical Concordance.
Timelines of the western church – Susan Lynn Paterson 1999
Birth of Jesus – StarBooks, First Christmas the True and Unfamiliar story – Paul L Maier The Alden press A R Mowbray ISBN 0-264-64600-2 C1971.
Great Events of The Bible Times – James Harper Edition Marshall Editions LTD 1987 ISBN 0-297-79068-4
Clarke’s Commentary.
Other slides in this module:
- New moon
- Blind man eyes healed
- Zacchaeus, the tax collector, waited for Jesus up a tree
- Blind Bartimaeus eyes healed
- Mary – First of two anointings by two different women
- The Triumphal Entry
- Palm tree leaves and cloaks
- Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
- Jesus taught in parables – The Lamps of the Ten Bridesmaids
- Jesus predicts His crucifixion
- Jesus anointed at Bethany by an unknown woman
- Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
- Full Moon
- Passover
- Sandal, Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
- Judas at Jesus’ last Passover
- The upper room discourse, Jesus comforts His Disciples
- Jesus spoke three prayers of intercession: one for Himself; one for his disciples; and one for all believers
- Jesus prays for Himself
- Judas and soldiers came at night to arrest Jesus
- Peter cuts off an ear
- Jesus Arrested
- Jesus was on trial six times
- First trial – Annas the Father-in-law of Caiaphas the High Priest
- 2nd Trial – Jesus taken to the High Priest Caiaphas
- Day of Jesus’ death?
- The Cock Crow – Peter Disowned Jesus
- Third Trial of Jesus before The Sanhedrin
- 4th Trial – Jesus before Pontius Pilate for the first time
- 5th Trial, Jesus before Herod Antipas the Governor of Galilee and Perea
- 6th trial – Jesus in front of Pontius Pilate for the second time
- Jesus, the Crucifixion walk
- The Cross or the Crucifixion
- Thick Darkness
- The Roman Centurion
- Jesus is Buried
- Roman Soldiers guard the Tomb
- They made sure by sealing the tomb
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Jesus stays in the tomb three days and three nights
- Weekly Sabbath
- The Feast of First Fruits
- Start of Counting the Omer
- First Fruits or Resurrection Sunday
- The open empty tomb or the Resurrection
- He is not Here, He has risen – The Resurrection
- Jesus Has Risen Indeed – The Resurrection
- Come See Where He Lay
- Peter Looks – He has Risen Indeed
- On the Road to Emmaus
- The end of the 1st weekly Sabbath
- The start of the Second week
- The Second Sunday or 8 days after the First Fruits or Resurrection of Jesus
- Jesus makes a special appearance for Thomas
- Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
- The end of the 2nd weekly Sabbath
- The start of the third week
- The Third Sunday after First Fruits or Resurrection Sunday
- The end of the 3rd weekly Sabbath
- The start of the fourth week
- The Fourth Sunday after First Fruits or Resurrection Sunday
- The end of the 4th weekly Sabbath
- The start of the 5th week
- The Fifth Sunday or 29 days after Feast of First Fruits
- The end of the 5th weekly Sabbath
- The start of the 6th week
- The Sixth Sunday or 36 days from First Fruits
- Jesus was seen by over 500 people
- 40 Days
- Ascension Day – Back to Heaven for Jesus
- Matthias replaces Judas
- The end of the 6th weekly Sabbath
- The start of the 7th week
- The Seventh Sunday or 43 days from First Fruits
- The end of the 7th weekly Sabbath
- Start of the 8th Week
- 8th Sunday
- 50 Day
- Pentecost Fire
- AD32
- Questions and Answers 1-15
- Questions and Answers 16-30
- Questions and Answers 31-45
- Questions and Answers 46-61
- Easter-Timeline
- Background Information – Easter
- Resources: Easter or Palm Sunday To Pentecost
- Next Module – Acts of the Apostles » »