The beginning Acts 2:1-13, 30th May AD32 or 24th May AD33.
This date was chosen as the start of the early church because the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost onto the apostles and believers.
The Holy Spirit breathed life into the early church.
The early church was mainly made up of Jewish believers but this changed over time.
Background Reading:
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
2:1 When the day of Pentecost was being celebrated, all of them were together in one place. 2 Suddenly, a sound like the roar of a mighty windstorm came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated, and one rested on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign languages as the Spirit gave them that ability.
5 Now devout Jews from every nation on earth were living in Jerusalem. 6 When that sound came, a crowd quickly gathered, startled because each one heard the disciples speaking in his own language. 7 Stunned and amazed, they asked, “All of these people who are speaking are Galileans, aren’t they? 8 So how is it that each one of us hears them speaking in his own native language: 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, residents of Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the district of Libya near Cyrene, Jewish and proselyte visitors from Rome, 11 Cretans, and Arabs, listening to them talk in our own languages about the great deeds of God?”
12 All of them continued to be stunned and puzzled, and they kept asking one another, “What can this mean?”
13 But others kept saying in derision, “They’re drunk on sweet wine!”
Acts 2:1–13
More Information:
The person of the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost with the sound of a mighty wind and anointed each one in the upper room. He appeared as a tongue of flame sitting upon each one present.
Pentecost is the old Greek and Latin name for the Jewish harvest festival The Festival of Weeks. Jewish people call it Shavuot or Shevuot, which literally means: Festival of Weeks, This festival commemorates God giving the Ten Commandments, and giving the Torah, and Israel became a nation committed to serving God, at Mount Sinai fifty days after the Exodus. Were as on Passover or Pesach, the Jewish people were freed from their enslavement to Pharaoh. Pentecost and Passover belong to two of the three feasts ordained by God. The name a Feast from the last group of the three Feasts God ordained?
Other slides in this module:
- New moon
- Blind man eyes healed
- Zacchaeus, the tax collector, waited for Jesus up a tree
- Blind Bartimaeus eyes healed
- Mary – First of two anointings by two different women
- The Triumphal Entry
- Palm tree leaves and cloaks
- Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
- Jesus taught in parables – The Lamps of the Ten Bridesmaids
- Jesus predicts His crucifixion
- Jesus anointed at Bethany by an unknown woman
- Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
- Full Moon
- Passover
- Sandal, Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
- Judas at Jesus’ last Passover
- The upper room discourse, Jesus comforts His Disciples
- Jesus spoke three prayers of intercession: one for Himself; one for his disciples; and one for all believers
- Jesus prays for Himself
- Judas and soldiers came at night to arrest Jesus
- Peter cuts off an ear
- Jesus Arrested
- Jesus was on trial six times
- First trial – Annas the Father-in-law of Caiaphas the High Priest
- 2nd Trial – Jesus taken to the High Priest Caiaphas
- Day of Jesus’ death?
- The Cock Crow – Peter Disowned Jesus
- Third Trial of Jesus before The Sanhedrin
- 4th Trial – Jesus before Pontius Pilate for the first time
- 5th Trial, Jesus before Herod Antipas the Governor of Galilee and Perea
- 6th trial – Jesus in front of Pontius Pilate for the second time
- Jesus, the Crucifixion walk
- The Cross or the Crucifixion
- Thick Darkness
- The Roman Centurion
- Jesus is Buried
- Roman Soldiers guard the Tomb
- They made sure by sealing the tomb
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Jesus stays in the tomb three days and three nights
- Weekly Sabbath
- The Feast of First Fruits
- Start of Counting the Omer
- First Fruits or Resurrection Sunday
- The open empty tomb or the Resurrection
- He is not Here, He has risen – The Resurrection
- Jesus Has Risen Indeed – The Resurrection
- Come See Where He Lay
- Peter Looks – He has Risen Indeed
- On the Road to Emmaus
- The end of the 1st weekly Sabbath
- The start of the Second week
- The Second Sunday or 8 days after the First Fruits or Resurrection of Jesus
- Jesus makes a special appearance for Thomas
- Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
- The end of the 2nd weekly Sabbath
- The start of the third week
- The Third Sunday after First Fruits or Resurrection Sunday
- The end of the 3rd weekly Sabbath
- The start of the fourth week
- The Fourth Sunday after First Fruits or Resurrection Sunday
- The end of the 4th weekly Sabbath
- The start of the 5th week
- The Fifth Sunday or 29 days after Feast of First Fruits
- The end of the 5th weekly Sabbath
- The start of the 6th week
- The Sixth Sunday or 36 days from First Fruits
- Jesus was seen by over 500 people
- 40 Days
- Ascension Day – Back to Heaven for Jesus
- Matthias replaces Judas
- The end of the 6th weekly Sabbath
- The start of the 7th week
- The Seventh Sunday or 43 days from First Fruits
- The end of the 7th weekly Sabbath
- Start of the 8th Week
- 8th Sunday
- 50 Day
- Pentecost Fire
- AD32
- Questions and Answers 1-15
- Questions and Answers 16-30
- Questions and Answers 31-45
- Questions and Answers 46-61
- Easter-Timeline
- Background Information – Easter
- Resources: Easter or Palm Sunday To Pentecost
- Next Module – Acts of the Apostles » »